Driveclub Gamescom 2014
Driveclub Gamescom 2014. At long last Driveclub will be making its way to PlayStation 4. About flipping time Sony!
The Order 1886 Gamescom 2014
The Order 1886 Gamescom 2014. By far one of the best looking games due in 2015 – The Order 1886 is starting to show more of itself and I like what I see!
PlayStation Now and Friend Game Streaming
PlayStation Now and Friend Game Streaming. Looks like another win for Sony if they manage to get it working well across all territories. Gaming will never be the same again on PlayStation 4 with your friends.
PS VITA Sony lost interest? No Gamescom announcements
PS VITA Sony lost interest? No Gamescom announcements. Seems strange to me that Sony made no mention of new titles that I or many other outlets picked up on. After the event there were some new trailers pushed out but no direct announcements on stage. Strange!