Tag: GPU

Witcher 3 FPS fix Vsync Cap Tweak

Witcher 3 FPS fix Vsync Cap Tweak today I will show you how to stabilize your Witch er 3 frame rate by using adjusting the Vsync cap to limit the frame rate from wandering around which will eliminate stuttering and texture tearing while you play.

Sadly Witcher 3 does not hit 60 fps on the majority of hardware in fact the FPS are not stable at all over the entire range about 40fps on a 770 GPU.

Adjusting the Witcher 3 FPS lock via Vsync in this matter stabilizes the frame rate and smooths out the gameplay creating a much better experience all round.

Planetary Annihilation review RTS with massive scale

Planetary Annihilation Review RTS With Massive Scale, Planetary Annihilation has now launched so after over a year with the game let’s take a look at how the final product turned out.

Planetary Annihilation offers huge scale with robots fighting it out with huge armies across planets and moons – all rendered in real time.

Planetary Annihilation brings together the best of RTS of the last 20 years and infuses it with scale the likes of which has never been done in a game before.

The engine is top notch keeping the action moving even with 1000’s of units on screen, though you’re going to want a Dual Core CPU as a minimum and ideally Quad Core with 8gig of ram and a 560 GPU to get the best out of it.

With such massive scale it’s a wonder Planetary Annihilation runs so well and it’s testament to the skill of the developers in nailing a true RTS god among men.

Tegra K1 Nvidia Breaking News

Tegra K1 has been announced and it looks like Nvidia may have pulled off a miracle with the Tegra K1 . This new Kepler based SOC offers incredible power efficiency on paper combined with raw performance numbers that beat the Xbox One and PS3 on paper at least.

Tegra K1 could be the most significant leap forward in mobile GPU parts in a decade and puts Nvidia at the front of the performance pack if their numbers are accurate.

We can’t wait to see which OEM’s take on the Tegra K1 in 2014 and beyond.

http://androidizen.com for more news.

Galaxy Note 2 Games Top 5 on Android Androidizen

Here are our favorite Galaxy Note 2 Games organized as a Top 5 users need to play, put simply if you want to wow your friends these are the games you need to be showing off. They make the best use of the Galaxy Note 2’s Hardware from screen size to sheer horsepower of the CPU and GPU for Galaxy Note 2 Games. See Galaxy Note 2 accessories here: http://goo.gl/gDga6T

Fifa Money: http://bit.ly/1l9Tip5

Zombiewood – Hunt Zombies in a film set and as you complete each stage move onto more and more zombie madness.
Shadowgun: Deadzone – Multiplayer and console quality graphics make this a Top 5 Games Samsung Galaxy Note 2 owners must download.
Fifa 12 – Football has never been this portable and playable.
Death Dome – Finger slashing fun and graphics with scale to boot
Need for Speed: Most Wanted – Simply the bst racing game on mobile today number 1 in Top 5 Galaxy Note 2 Games users must play.

We love the Galaxy Note 2 it’s one of best devices to show off Top 5 Galaxy Note 2 Games to your friends. Visit our website for more http://www.androidizen.com