There are anywhere from 250 to 300 million blogs in existence on the web right now. All that competition means bloggers need the ability to update posts and moderate comments on the go. Smartphones have become extensions of the...
The evolution of mobile applications such as Android, iOS, etc. is creating a revolution all over the world. The requirement for these applications is growing strongly globally and so the number of iOS and Android application d...
Google Experience on Galaxy S4 the Pure Android is here. Now you can have a stripped back Android experience on your Galaxy S4 with a Google Experience S4. I’ve installed the latest ROM so you can get an idea of what to e...
Everyone’s must have CPU Z is now out for Android allows you to get the inside story on your Smartphone CPU. Want to know anything about your CPU it’s right here in CPU Z.
Smart Remote Android allows you to take control of infrared devices using your smartphone, especially useful if you have the Galaxy S4 as it provides a more feature complete control app to the WhatsON app that ships with Samsun...
The super computer sitting in one’s pocket is about much more than making calls and playing games. Android smartphones are more powerful than ever with multiple cores, high-speed processing, Super AMOLED screens, and high-defin...
Gravity Screen off Android is one of those apps where you will be like ‘where have you been all my life?’. Turn your screen on or off just by picking it up or putting it down.. genius.
AutomateIt allows you to Automate Your Droid easily. With this app you can set Triggers and Actions. When a Trigger condition is met and action or series of actions can be performed. It also features a market where you can down...
Google Keep Android is a fantastic app for keeping track of all your ideas or tasks. It’s been a long time since Google offered a Notes application or service and it’s good to see them come back with a bang. Google ...
Next Launcher 3D Android by the GO team is their take on what the next generation of android launchers will look like. It’s a very good effort silky smooth and packed full of little innovations like the new Dock and appli...
Photoshop Touch for phone Review, at long last Adobe have release Photoshop Touch for phone and it##Q##s very good. Packing all the features of the tablet version into a well thought out application for Smart Phones Adobe have ...
Sophos Mobile Security Android is a free Mobile anti-virus application for the Android device and it promises not to affect performance or that all-important battery power. You get protection from attacks by USSD and it also al...
Brian Blessed Alarm Clock Android from the so crazy I have to buy that pile comes an Alarm Clock voiced by Brian Blessed. He of the INCREDIBLE LOUD VOICE. First he was a Sat Nav now he is an alarm clock and honestly you have to...
QM Launcher Android is a strange beast, as a launcher it reinvents the way you will interact with your Android device. We found QM Launcher to work well but lack the polish of other launchers, its a massive shift in the way you...
Carbon for Android is a backup tool for root users, it##Q##s still in testing but this is a sneak peak at how it works used our trusty Samsung Galaxy Note 2 for this one. Carbon allows you to backup any app on your device to a ...
If your home videos have been looking a bit tame, and you’ve been yearning for some Instagram action on them, now’s your opportunity. FXGuru: Movie FX allows you to add Hollywood-style special effects to any Android...
Rom Toolbox is the android equivalent of a swiss army knife, if you are a rooted android users you really need to have Rom Toolbox in your kit. With Toolbox you can gain root level access to a host of Android features including...
Nova Launcher 2 Here is a look at my Clean minimalist Samsung Galaxy Note 2 or S3 home screen as you can see it##Q##s a blank slate with swipes to reveal the key parts of the Galaxy Note 2 interface. I used Nova Launcher 2 to r...