Category: PlayStation 4

Driveclub PlayStation 4 review

Driveclub PlayStation 4 review. At last here is our look at Driveclub on PlayStation 4. Sadly, this is a badly designed game that probably looked great on paper but failed miserably at delivering a fun driving experience.

The game is too hard with even a small mistake costing you the race. The game engine actually makes things more difficult due to the way light sources are handled. Overall this is the worst driving game of the year.

PlayStation 4 PlayBudz MK2 PS4 Review

PlayStation 4 PlayBudz MK2 PS4 Review. It’s always nice when a product improves and with the MK2 PlayBudz the product has improved considerably.

PlayBudz are an add-on for your PlayStation 4 controller that extends the handles, allowing for a more comfortable fit for folks with big hands.

Check out the PlayBudz website for more info:

The first version didn’t feel like a quality product, being too heavy and difficult to attach. The MK2 PlayBudz solve all those problems and they really work!

PlayStation 4 Share Play limited to just 60 minutes

PlayStation 4 Share Play limited to just 60 minutes Sony appear to have scored a PR blow back from the way they handled the Share Play announcement for PS4.

They let us all think it had no limits by not announcing a limit then followed-up a few days later by saying its only 60 minutes of Share Play time.

Well done Sony for using the Microsoft playbook, welcome to your first PlayStation 4 backlash.

PlayStation 4 PlayBudz PS4 Review

PlayStation 4 PlayBudz PS4 Review – these are PlayBudz an attempt to solve a problem with the PS4 controller that hasn’t quite worked as well as I would have liked.

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You can purchase PlayBudz from their website:

As concepts go it’s a good one, to add more length to the PS4 handles bringing them closer to the Xbox style, ideal for those with big hands. Sadly however this product adds too much weight to the controller and looks ugly while doing so.

If PlayBudz is refined to improve the weight and design I could see this product being a smash hit on par with the extended triggers add-on popular with the PS3.