Outlast PS4 Review – Well, if you want to be scared you need to check out Outlast, probably the most terrifying game I’ve ever played. In Outlast you are an investigative journalist looking into strange goings-on at...
PlayStation 4 – What sucks with PS4 – following on from the Xbox One video we consider where Sony failed with the PlayStation 4 and why it could have happened. Sony certainly took some shortcuts with the PS4 control...
Assassins Creed 4 Black Flag, a new game from Ubisoft that places you in the heart of Pirates, In Black Flag it is an Assassins Creed game and so it continues the story of Assassins Creed 3 although this is a prequel to those e...
Checking out KillZone Shadowfall multiplayer – In this review we take a look at KillZone Shadowfall’s multiplayer game and find it to be a fantastic game providing a better version of COD than COD managed this year....
PlayStation 4 Remote Play with PS Vita – in this review we take a look at PS Vita Remote Play using PlayStation 4 to stream KillZone: Shadowfall and Resogun directly to the Vita over local wifi. It works incredibly well a...
PS4 Resogun Review on the PlayStation 4 – Here is a sleeper hit for the PS4, Resogun a classic Dual Stick Shooter that really shows off what the PlayStation 4 is capable of. Resogun is free to download if you’re a P...
PS4 Blacklight Retribution Review, we check out the fantastic PlayStation 4 game Blacklight Retribution, a F2P first person shooter that boasts some of the best graphics available in Free2Play. Blacklight Retribution is a very ...
IF you were hoping Santa would bring you a nice shiny new Xbox One or PlayStation 4 for Christmas then you’d better hope he’s already got it safely in his sack because Amazon and other online suppliers have sold out...
PlayStation 4 PS4 Review. Here we go with our PS4 Review. Sony’s latest PlayStation 4 is a fine addition to your living room and we came away impressed. We take a look at every area of the PlayStation 4 including the hard...
It’s PS4 day in the UK so let’s unbox the PS4 and compare it to the Xbox One and a bit of Killzone Shadowfall included at the end. The PS4 feels very light and certainly has the premium feel to it, the game install ...
PS4 Killzone Shadowfall review PlayStation 4 . We all love first party titles and Killzone Shadowfall leads the way for FPS games on PlayStation 4. Wonderful graphics all wrapped up in the classic Killzone gameplay.
PS4 Battlefield 4 review PlayStation 4. It’s time for a dose of Battlefield 4, this time on the PlayStation 4. Overall a fine game and one that sticks to its roots providing top quality multiplayer with an engaging single...