Worms Android Review I’ve got Worm fever

Here we are with our Worms Android Review, A classic game that I think I##Q##ve owned on every device ever made at this point.
Ahh worms many an hour I have sat and played Worms Android it##Q##s a classic from it##Q##s earliest days on the Amiga through every console generation if theirs one thing you can count on it##Q##s Worms. In it##Q##s early days it was an 8bit creation but oh how we loved it.
Worms Android brings the graphics up-to date and includes all those classic crazy weapons, if you haven##Q##t played Worms Android or any Worms game before basically it##Q##s a strategy game where you control a team of worms you take turns to destroy the other team using over the top weapons like Sheep and grenades. First team to die looses, simple and oh so hard.
The A.I in Worms Android is both balanced and brutal.. fairs fair when your a Worm.. on harder difficulties don##Q##t expect these Soldiers of Worm to give you an inch.
Worms Android Features the following Worms gameplay
The Worms feature list reads like a best of the last 10+ years of wormy carnage. I still remember the day I tossed my first Banana Bomb at an unsuspecting enemy worm.. missed and killed Bob the leader of my Team of Worms.
Send your worm platoons into battle with cult-classic weapons like the Banana Bomb and Super Sheep, plus wacky new ones like Spartan Kick and The Brick
Fight on multiple skill levels, from Easy to Insane
Enjoy funny dialogue and character-driven animation
Provides hours of addictive fun
Worms Android rocks my world
On his occasion I played the game on my Samsung Galaxy Note 2 but it works equally well on most Android devices.
The AI can be brutal and never misses a trick on harder difficulties Worms Android is on the Play store now priced around $2. It##Q##s a small download and works on most Android handsets, we hope you enjoy our Worms Android Review.
Check out some screen shots of Worms Android in our gallery below and let us know in the comments your favorite Worms moment.
Worms is a great game… it seems to have vanished from the play store for me. I have the galaxy note 2 running jellybean and it says not compatible with your device. What phone are you using there? it looks like the note 2
That’s so odd, yes it’s the Note 2 and I downloaded from the UK playstore no problem.
Can I have a link to the playstore? I cant find it on nexus 7