Titanium Backup Root Android Samsung Galaxy Note 2 or S3

Titanium Backup for Root is an Android Samsung Galaxy Note 2 or S3 owners best friend. Allowing you to backup and restore any application on your Android device quickly and easily.

The backup tool can freeze even stock apps allowing you to keep a hard backup of your data, you can even send your files directly to Dropbox, Google Drive and Box.net every time your device is on charge.

Restoring an app is as simple as selecting it from the bottom of your apps list and selecting restore.

Titanium Backup is for Rooted Android devices only it won##Q##t work unless you have root level access to your device. Also make sure to turn on USB debugging or you will encounter problems with backup and restore.

I keep Titanium Backup on every device I own it##Q##s saved my skin more times that I care to mention and the ease of backup to a third party location is a massive plus for this application.