The long-awaited Samsung Galaxy S4 with revolutionary eye tracking has been unveiled in a blitz of media flashbulbs in New York, as pictures were streamed around the world. JK Shin introduced the Samsung Galaxy S4 to a packed R...
Let##Q##s take a look at what##Q##s new on Android 4.2, the long awaited update for Jelly Bean. So what is new? If you only have one tablet for the whole family then this update is a Godsend because it has support for multi-us...
Samsung Galaxy Note 2 NFC Near Field Communication demonstration, here is how to use the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 with NFC tags. The great thing about Near field Communication is how easy it makes accessing information or interact...
Check out this awesome NFC Beer Mat one of the latest Near Field Communication product innovation to be released. NFC allows your device like a Smartphone or Tablet to read information just by being near another object. In this...
Checking out the Samsung Flip Case for Galaxy Note 2, It##Q##s really good and includes NFC in the back cover. Not a bad case at all for a flip cover, and should keep your Samsung Galaxy Note 2 screen from taking a beating.
Here we are with one of the most advanced phones on the market the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 here is a through 41 Minute Review of Samsung##Q##s update to the Galaxy Note 2 a phone that went on to sell over 10 million units. The Ga...
Near Field Communication and the Samsung Galaxy S3, here is a demo of how it works with NFC Tags. a 6 minute Youtube video showing you how to use NFC apps and the tags with the Samsung Galaxy S3. Also of note is that Samsung ha...
I thought you might like to see how easy it is to make a Foursquare NFC tag using Galaxy Nexus and Android 4.0.3 this makes it so quick for your customers to make Foursquare checkinto your venue using their NFC enabled phone. N...
The other day I got hold of a selection of NFC tags so I could have a play with them, I thought you might like a quick tour of the different types on the market.
This is bound to give the geek inside you a little jump for joy, here is an NFC tag being scanned at around 4cm, how cool is that. NFC really is a contactless system. You can stop slamming your phone on top of the readers now
NFC or Near Field Communication to give it it’s full title, is a way for devices to exchange information with each other without having to plug in or even physically touch each other. Soon it will be used to create “...