Well this was almost expected, Facebook Home is a mess and not a very entertaining one either. A real shame they spent a lot of time on it and it’s not turned out to be very compelling. I can’t see anyone but the di...
Next Launcher 3D Android by the GO team is their take on what the next generation of android launchers will look like. It’s a very good effort silky smooth and packed full of little innovations like the new Dock and appli...
Nova Launcher 2 Here is a look at my Clean minimalist Samsung Galaxy Note 2 or S3 home screen as you can see it##Q##s a blank slate with swipes to reveal the key parts of the Galaxy Note 2 interface. I used Nova Launcher 2 to r...
TSF Shell for Android is a quality launcher, you have to pay for it unlike other Android Launchers but on the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 it really flies and has that wow factor when you show your friends. It##Q##s like having a desk...