OSO Dash Grip Review Galaxy Note 2, can the OSO Dash Grip handle a Galaxy Note 2.. find out in this review video. We put the OSO Dash Grip through its paces and found it to be the most powerful smartphone mount you can buy. The...
BladeSlinger Android Review this is one of those games to take notice of, BladSlinger Android is a 3D third person action game similar to Devil May Cry here reviewed on the Galaxy Note 2 & S3. Bladeslinger is a dystopian fu...
Flashout Android Review on the Galaxy Note 2 need a Wipeout fix then Flashout has got you covered. This fast paced action racer draws on what makes Wipeout work so well and brings it to the Android platform. Easily the best act...
Why anyone would want to walk around with an expensive, do-it-all phone without a case is beyond me, but it does happen. It’s not the wisest thing to do because we are all so accident prone when it comes to taking care of our p...
Galaxy Note 2 MHL Adaptor output to HDMI TV in this guide I##Q##m going to show you how you can use your Galaxy Note 2 as a media hub to play content on your TV. You will need: Galaxy Note 2 An MHL Adapter (£8+) MicroUSB (to po...
Shellrazer Android Review loving this one get to the end of each level and use crazy weapons to clear the path ahead of you Shellrazer Android is great fun on Galaxy Note 2 & S3. Shellrazer is one of those Android games tha...
Space Keeper Android Review loving this title on the Galaxy Note 2 and our S3. Space Keeper is a finger swiping puzzle game where you have to push objects into black holes. The more you drop in at once the more points you get, ...
My Samsung Galaxy Note 2 an honest opinion, thought you may like an honest view of the Galaxy Note 2 I was a little pressed for time so excuse the short video.
Steampunk Racing 3D Android has blown me away in this Review for the Galaxy Note 2 or S3. Steampunk Racing 3D Android is a fast paced action racing game in the style of Mario Kart or Wipeout. Build your Steampunk car race other...
Nova Launcher 2 Here is a look at my Clean minimalist Samsung Galaxy Note 2 or S3 home screen as you can see it##Q##s a blank slate with swipes to reveal the key parts of the Galaxy Note 2 interface. I used Nova Launcher 2 to r...
Waa Cha! Android Review on the Galaxy Note 2 or S3. This is a fun game based around Chinese Kung-fu. You must assist Master Wu Shou in training his 3 most gifted students to gain their Kung Fu Powers. Swipe left or right to kic...
In this Samsung Galaxy Note 2 playlist we cover all the things you need to know about your Galaxy Note 2 including the S-pen, settings and games. The Samsung Galaxy Note 2 has been a massive success with over 10 million units f...