Trial Xtreme 3 Android is one of those fine game series that always keeps me coming back for more,Trial Xtreme 3 is challenging and compulsive once you get the hang of it. The graphics for Trial Xtreme 3 are some of the best ar...
Shoot The Apple 2 for Android in this Review on the Note 2 I##Q##m taking a look at the Puzzle game sequel Shoot The Apple 2. In this game you have to fire a monkey looking thing between multiple canons to work your way around ...
Sonic 4 Episode 2 Android Review, the next stage of Sonic 4 is on offer at the moment so well worth picking up for less than £1. Makes a big impact on the Samsung Galaxy Note 2
Modern Combat 4 Android Review here played on the Galaxy Note 2. Modern Combat games always tend to follow well worn paths but when it looks this good on a pocket device.. who can complain really. The Galaxy Note 2 handles Mode...
We##Q##re good sports here at Androidizen so we##Q##ve really taken to NFL Kicker 13 Android. Sitting on the sofa playing this game sure beats being out in the cold and wet doing it for real! At 69p from the Google Play Store t...