If you’ve heard about the new security scare for Android phones then don’t panic – but you do need to take care over downloading apps. This is something that was discovered by the Bluebox Security team and it ...
It is amazing how far technology has gone into simplifying our daily activities… and the photography industry seemed to have received most of this positive impacts. Here’s what I mean; digital camera is one of the most popular ...
Facebook fans everywhere will be pleased to see some new updates. The v.2.1 version of the Facebook app is being rolled out at the moment and includes the ability to open and look at photos more quickly, you can share your frie...
Opera Ice will be unveiled at Mobile World Congress (MWC) n Barcelona for five days from February 23. It##Q##s being aimed at both Android and iOS users and you can forget buttons, Opera Ice works through gestures and will be o...
Here##Q##s an offer to make it a Happy New Year – you can grab an Android copy of Asteroid 2012 3D for less than a dollar in a price cut sale. Just log on to the Google Play Store and you##Q##ll be ready to start gaming i...
Facebook is trying to get its employees switched on to Android with a series of witty posters asking them “Do you ##Q##droidfood? Employees at the social networking giant have previously been given iPhones but the massive...
So we go our act together and have created our own Androidizen News app, in the app you will get quick access to our latest News, Videos Reviews and Guides, You can also send us news tips easily through the Androidizen Android ...
If you##Q##re a Twitter fan, and let##Q##s face it, most of us share the most mundane aspects of our lives with thousands of strangers a day, then you##Q##ll be pleased with the new Android update for Twitter fans, with an app ...
If you##Q##re a big reader then you##Q##ll welcome the next chapter in the Amazon Kindle Fire saga. The wifi only version of the Amazon Kindle Fire HD 8.9inch is on sale in the UK now, at £129, to be followed by the 4G version...
You can order yourself a smart new Nexus 4, Nexus 7 or Nexus 10 tablet from Google Play Store if you look sharp. But you##Q##ll need to be quick because they##Q##re likely to be selling like hot cakes to customers in the UK and...
If you##Q##ve bought a Nexus 7 from Google or ASUS then you could be in for some good news with the Nexus 7 refund offer. As the price dropped in Europe and the US just before you bought it then you could get a partial refund ...
Exciting times across the pond! Verizon will be launching its HTC Droid DNA tomorrow. The event, in New York, will show off the 5inch device. It will be boosted by a Google Hangout on Monday, November 19. This will be worth see...