We##Q##re good sports here at Androidizen so we##Q##ve really taken to NFL Kicker 13 Android. Sitting on the sofa playing this game sure beats being out in the cold and wet doing it for real! At 69p from the Google Play Store t...
This game, Monster Shooter Android, combines everything that##Q##s good about an Android game, monsters and shooters! It##Q##s also about a cat stolen by aliens! You can get the ad free premium version, but it##Q##s also free i...
Stunt Bunnies Circus Android has got to be one of the funniest games we##Q##ve seen recently. Free from the Google Play Store, with the option to pay for later chapters, it features rabbits living dangerously with cannons, lion...
Here we go with another endless runner Rail Rush Android Review on Samsung Galaxy S3 Take your travel sickness pills before you jump aboard the Rail Rush game for a roller coaster ride of fun. You##Q##re a miner in this wacky A...
Here##Q##s one of our favourites, Rayman Jungle Run. From Ubisoft, quite rightly a multi-award winner for some stunning games over the years. Rayman Jungle Run is a pickup and play game suitable for all ages with it##Q##s carto...
This is one of the best games I##Q##ve played on Android, HORN shows the full power of the Tegra 3 running on the Nexus 7. Really is a top title and you will not be disappointed if you give it a try. My advice would be to downl...
Rovio Mobile have done it again with this fabulous little game called Bad Piggies. The makers of Angry Birds are on another winner here with this super family orientated game which has already been rated 120,000 times on the Go...
Check out our Granny Smith Android review exclusive to Tegra 3 this is one heck of a fun game. Haha! We love Granny Smith. Unsure why the game makers are called Mediocre because there##Q##s nothing mediocre about this game, it#...
Checking out Bard’s Tale usingĀ Tegra 3 High Rez on the Nexus 7 here is some Game-play and a review. At the moment there’s 50% off The Bard’s Tale so that’s as good a reason as any to head over to the Go...