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    Top Gear Race the Stig – And ...
    March 24, 2014 1

    Top Gear Race the Stig - Android Review. Well,  it looks like  Top Gear and The Stig are back with a new free to play game, this time an endless...

Tag Archives: Android Games

Top Gear Race the Stig – Android Review..

March 24, 2014 No Comments 1

Top Gear Race the Stig - Android Review. Well,  it looks like  Top Gear and The Stig are back with a new free to play game, this time an endless...

Top Gear Race the Stig - Android Review. Well,  it looks like  Top Gear and The Stig are back with a new free to play game, this time an endless...

Top Gear Race the Stig - Android Review. Well,  it looks like  Top Gear and The Stig are back with a new free to play game, this time an endless...

Top Gear Race the Stig - Android Review. Well,  it looks like  Top Gear and The Stig are back with a new free to play game, this time an endless...

Top Gear Race the Stig - Android Review. Well,  it looks like  Top Gear and The Stig are back with a new free to play...

Top Gear Race the Stig - Android Review. Well,  it looks like  Top Gear and The Stig are back with a new free to play game, this time an endless...

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Shadow Blade Android Review – Androidizen..

March 3, 2014 No Comments 1

Shadow Blade Android Review - We have been having loads of fun with Shadow Blade, a platform game with a fluid control system that works really...

Shadow Blade Android Review - We have been having loads of fun with Shadow Blade, a platform game with a fluid control system that works really...

Shadow Blade Android Review - We have been having loads of fun with Shadow Blade, a platform game with a fluid control system that works really...

Shadow Blade Android Review - We have been having loads of fun with Shadow Blade, a platform game with a fluid control system that works really...

Shadow Blade Android Review - We have been having loads of fun with Shadow Blade, a platform game with a fluid control system that works...

Shadow Blade Android Review - We have been having loads of fun with Shadow Blade, a platform game with a fluid control system that works really...

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Ridge Racer Slipstream Android Review..

February 27, 2014 No Comments 1

Ridge Racer Slipstream Android in this Review we take a look at Ridge Racer Slipstream by Namco Bandai and find a wonderful arcade racing game that lives up to the legacy left by Ridge...

Ridge Racer Slipstream Android in this Review we take a look at Ridge Racer Slipstream by Namco Bandai and find a wonderful arcade racing game that lives up to the legacy left by Ridge...

Ridge Racer Slipstream Android in this Review we take a look at Ridge Racer Slipstream by Namco Bandai and find a wonderful arcade racing game that lives up to the legacy left by Ridge...

Ridge Racer Slipstream Android in this Review we take a look at Ridge Racer Slipstream by Namco Bandai and find a wonderful arcade racing game that lives up to the legacy left by Ridge...

Ridge Racer Slipstream Android in this Review we take a look at Ridge Racer Slipstream by Namco Bandai and find a wonderful arcade racing game...

Ridge Racer Slipstream Android in this Review we take a look at Ridge Racer Slipstream by Namco Bandai and find a wonderful arcade racing game that lives up to the legacy left by Ridge...

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Deus Ex The Fall Review Android..

February 5, 2014 No Comments 2

Deus Ex The Fall Review Android is the latest AAA title in the Deus Ex franchise and The Fall is the first mobile Deus Ex game. How does it fare? Very well actually. Some complaints could be levelled at the animation that at times feels a bit out of date, but overall the graphics are fantastic as is the gun play and RPG...

Deus Ex The Fall Review Android is the latest AAA title in the Deus Ex franchise and The Fall is the first mobile Deus Ex game. How does it fare? Very well actually. Some complaints could be levelled at the animation that at times feels a bit out of date, but overall the graphics are fantastic as is the gun play and RPG...

Deus Ex The Fall Review Android is the latest AAA title in the Deus Ex franchise and The Fall is the first mobile Deus Ex game. How does it fare? Very well actually. Some complaints could be levelled at the animation that at times feels a bit out of date, but overall the graphics are fantastic as is the gun play and RPG...

Deus Ex The Fall Review Android is the latest AAA title in the Deus Ex franchise and The Fall is the first mobile Deus Ex game. How does it fare? Very well actually. Some complaints could be levelled at the animation that at times feels a bit out of date, but...

Deus Ex The Fall Review Android is the latest AAA title in the Deus Ex franchise and The Fall is the first mobile Deus Ex...

Deus Ex The Fall Review Android is the latest AAA title in the Deus Ex franchise and The Fall is the first mobile Deus Ex game. How does it fare? Very well actually. Some complaints could be levelled at the animation that at times feels a bit out of date, but overall the graphics are fantastic as is the gun play and RPG...

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Table Top Racing Android Review..

January 30, 2014 No Comments 0

Table Top Racing Android Review - This is probably my new favourite racing game on Android. Table Top Racing combines the best of Mario Kart with Micro Machines to deliver a stunning racer that is buttery smooth on the Nexus 5. Outstanding graphics and free to play with in-app purchases ( IAPs) this is a title worth a bit of your...

Table Top Racing Android Review - This is probably my new favourite racing game on Android. Table Top Racing combines the best of Mario Kart with Micro Machines to deliver a stunning racer that is buttery smooth on the Nexus 5. Outstanding graphics and free to play with in-app purchases ( IAPs) this is a title worth a bit of your...

Table Top Racing Android Review - This is probably my new favourite racing game on Android. Table Top Racing combines the best of Mario Kart with Micro Machines to deliver a stunning racer that is buttery smooth on the Nexus 5. Outstanding graphics and free to play with in-app purchases ( IAPs) this is a title worth a bit of your...

Table Top Racing Android Review - This is probably my new favourite racing game on Android. Table Top Racing combines the best of Mario Kart with Micro Machines to deliver a stunning racer that is buttery smooth on the Nexus 5. Outstanding graphics and free to play with in-app purchases...

Table Top Racing Android Review - This is probably my new favourite racing game on Android. Table Top Racing combines the best of Mario Kart...

Table Top Racing Android Review - This is probably my new favourite racing game on Android. Table Top Racing combines the best of Mario Kart with Micro Machines to deliver a stunning racer that is buttery smooth on the Nexus 5. Outstanding graphics and free to play with in-app purchases ( IAPs) this is a title worth a bit of your...

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Colossatron Android Review..

January 20, 2014 No Comments 0

Colossatron Android Review - this is Colossatron, the latest game from the makers of JetPack Joyride and it's a monster of a game. You are Colossatron, a giant robot from outer space, hell-bent on the destruction of earth's cities. Power-up your Colossatron and do as much damage as you possibly...

Colossatron Android Review - this is Colossatron, the latest game from the makers of JetPack Joyride and it's a monster of a game. You are Colossatron, a giant robot from outer space, hell-bent on the destruction of earth's cities. Power-up your Colossatron and do as much damage as you possibly...

Colossatron Android Review - this is Colossatron, the latest game from the makers of JetPack Joyride and it's a monster of a game. You are Colossatron, a giant robot from outer space, hell-bent on the destruction of earth's cities. Power-up your Colossatron and do as much damage as you possibly...

Colossatron Android Review - this is Colossatron, the latest game from the makers of JetPack Joyride and it's a monster of a game. You are Colossatron, a giant robot from outer space, hell-bent on the destruction of earth's cities. Power-up your Colossatron and do as much damage as you possibly...

Colossatron Android Review - this is Colossatron, the latest game from the makers of JetPack Joyride and it's a monster of a game. You are Colossatron,...

Colossatron Android Review - this is Colossatron, the latest game from the makers of JetPack Joyride and it's a monster of a game. You are Colossatron, a giant robot from outer space, hell-bent on the destruction of earth's cities. Power-up your Colossatron and do as much damage as you possibly...

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Robocop Android Review..

January 16, 2014 No Comments 1

Robocop Android Review - latest tie into the new movie that is coming out soon. Unfortunately, this is a pretty soulless Robocop movie cash-in game. There's not a lot here to really recommend, other than the fact it is free to play with in-app purchases which, you know, are fairly aggressive. The biggest issue I have with Robocop is the frame rate which is constantly dipping, even in reasonably simple scenes. It's a real shame. On the Nexus 5 you would expect the game to be an absolute fly away...

Robocop Android Review - latest tie into the new movie that is coming out soon. Unfortunately, this is a pretty soulless Robocop movie cash-in game. There's not a lot here to really recommend, other than the fact it is free to play with in-app purchases which, you know, are fairly aggressive. The biggest issue I have with Robocop is the frame rate which is constantly dipping, even in reasonably simple scenes. It's a real shame. On the Nexus 5 you would expect the game to be an absolute fly away...

Robocop Android Review - latest tie into the new movie that is coming out soon. Unfortunately, this is a pretty soulless Robocop movie cash-in game. There's not a lot here to really recommend, other than the fact it is free to play with in-app purchases which, you know, are fairly aggressive. The biggest issue I have with Robocop is the frame rate which is constantly dipping, even in reasonably simple scenes. It's a real shame. On the Nexus 5 you would expect the game to be an absolute fly away...

Robocop Android Review - latest tie into the new movie that is coming out soon. Unfortunately, this is a pretty soulless Robocop movie cash-in game. There's not a lot here to really recommend, other than the fact it is free to play with in-app purchases which, you know, are fairly aggressive. The...

Robocop Android Review - latest tie into the new movie that is coming out soon. Unfortunately, this is a pretty soulless Robocop movie cash-in game. There's...

Robocop Android Review - latest tie into the new movie that is coming out soon. Unfortunately, this is a pretty soulless Robocop movie cash-in game. There's not a lot here to really recommend, other than the fact it is free to play with in-app purchases which, you know, are fairly aggressive. The biggest issue I have with Robocop is the frame rate which is constantly dipping, even in reasonably simple scenes. It's a real shame. On the Nexus 5 you would expect the game to be an absolute fly away...

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January 10, 2014 No Comments 1

  ETERNITY WARRIORS 3 is a Diablo style dungeon crawler for Android the game itself is a continuation of the Eternity Warriors series and it's very well executed. The graphics have certainly been updated and the frame rate for the most part is more stable than it was in the previous titles However it is not difficult to find yourself becoming a little bored with the repetitive nature of the gameplay and with this being a free to play title in app purchases are front and centre If you really like Diablo style games this is definitely one of the best titles released on the mobile platforms ETERNITY WARRIORS 3 is certainly worth picking up but not sure you want to put your hand in your pocket for those...

  ETERNITY WARRIORS 3 is a Diablo style dungeon crawler for Android the game itself is a continuation of the Eternity Warriors series and it's very well executed. The graphics have certainly been updated and the frame rate for the most part is more stable than it was in the previous titles However it is not difficult to find yourself becoming a little bored with the repetitive nature of the gameplay and with this being a free to play title in app purchases are front and centre If you really like Diablo style games this is definitely one of the best titles released on the mobile platforms ETERNITY WARRIORS 3 is certainly worth picking up but not sure you want to put your hand in your pocket for those...

  ETERNITY WARRIORS 3 is a Diablo style dungeon crawler for Android the game itself is a continuation of the Eternity Warriors series and it's very well executed. The graphics have certainly been updated and the frame rate for the most part is more stable than it was in the previous titles However it is not difficult to find yourself becoming a little bored with the repetitive nature of the gameplay and with this being a free to play title in app purchases are front and centre If you really like Diablo style games this is definitely one of the best titles released on...

  ETERNITY WARRIORS 3 is a Diablo style dungeon crawler for Android the game itself is a continuation of the Eternity Warriors series and it's very well executed. The graphics have certainly been updated and the frame rate for the most part is more stable than it was in the previous titles However...

  ETERNITY WARRIORS 3 is a Diablo style dungeon crawler for Android the game itself is a continuation of the Eternity Warriors series and it's very...

  ETERNITY WARRIORS 3 is a Diablo style dungeon crawler for Android the game itself is a continuation of the Eternity Warriors series and it's very well executed. The graphics have certainly been updated and the frame rate for the most part is more stable than it was in the previous titles However it is not difficult to find yourself becoming a little bored with the repetitive nature of the gameplay and with this being a free to play title in app purchases are front and centre If you really like Diablo style games this is definitely one of the best titles released on...

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Ratchet & Clank Before the Nexus..

January 3, 2014 No Comments 1

Ratchet & Clank Before the Nexus - Today we are taking a look at the latest Android game featuring Ratchet & Clank. In Before the Nexus our heroes find themselves on rails in this endless runner that interestingly hooks into the PS3 game. What you collect on Android helps you in your PS3 game, a very cool reason to play on Android and nice to see this kind of hookup...

Ratchet & Clank Before the Nexus - Today we are taking a look at the latest Android game featuring Ratchet & Clank. In Before the Nexus our heroes find themselves on rails in this endless runner that interestingly hooks into the PS3 game. What you collect on Android helps you in your PS3 game, a very cool reason to play on Android and nice to see this kind of hookup...

Ratchet & Clank Before the Nexus - Today we are taking a look at the latest Android game featuring Ratchet & Clank. In Before the Nexus our heroes find themselves on rails in this endless runner that interestingly hooks into the PS3 game. What you collect on Android helps you in your PS3 game, a very cool reason to play on Android and nice to see this kind of hookup...

Ratchet & Clank Before the Nexus - Today we are taking a look at the latest Android game featuring Ratchet & Clank. In Before the Nexus our heroes find themselves on rails in this endless runner that interestingly hooks into the PS3 game. What you collect on Android helps you in...

Ratchet & Clank Before the Nexus - Today we are taking a look at the latest Android game featuring Ratchet & Clank. In Before the...

Ratchet & Clank Before the Nexus - Today we are taking a look at the latest Android game featuring Ratchet & Clank. In Before the Nexus our heroes find themselves on rails in this endless runner that interestingly hooks into the PS3 game. What you collect on Android helps you in your PS3 game, a very cool reason to play on Android and nice to see this kind of hookup...

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Hopeless: The Dark Cave Android Review..

December 31, 2013 No Comments 1

Hopeless: The Dark Cave Android Review - This is Hopeless: The Dark Cave on Android. In this review we look at a crazy game with little balls of light caught in the darkness and under attack from the monsters of the night. Hopeless: The Dark Cave is a reflexes game where you have to defend against the monsters in the dark but avoid shooting your mates who are trying to reach you. The game is wonderfully animated and has that just five more minutes quality we...

Hopeless: The Dark Cave Android Review - This is Hopeless: The Dark Cave on Android. In this review we look at a crazy game with little balls of light caught in the darkness and under attack from the monsters of the night. Hopeless: The Dark Cave is a reflexes game where you have to defend against the monsters in the dark but avoid shooting your mates who are trying to reach you. The game is wonderfully animated and has that just five more minutes quality we...

Hopeless: The Dark Cave Android Review - This is Hopeless: The Dark Cave on Android. In this review we look at a crazy game with little balls of light caught in the darkness and under attack from the monsters of the night. Hopeless: The Dark Cave is a reflexes game where you have to defend against the monsters in the dark but avoid shooting your mates who are trying to reach you. The game is wonderfully animated and has that just five more minutes quality we...

Hopeless: The Dark Cave Android Review - This is Hopeless: The Dark Cave on Android. In this review we look at a crazy game with little balls of light caught in the darkness and under attack from the monsters of the night. Hopeless: The Dark Cave is a reflexes game where...

Hopeless: The Dark Cave Android Review - This is Hopeless: The Dark Cave on Android. In this review we look at a crazy game with...

Hopeless: The Dark Cave Android Review - This is Hopeless: The Dark Cave on Android. In this review we look at a crazy game with little balls of light caught in the darkness and under attack from the monsters of the night. Hopeless: The Dark Cave is a reflexes game where you have to defend against the monsters in the dark but avoid shooting your mates who are trying to reach you. The game is wonderfully animated and has that just five more minutes quality we...

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Injustice: Gods Among Us..

December 21, 2013 No Comments 0

Injustice Gods Among Us is a wonderful game and gets just about everything right. Injustice Gods Among Us places you in charge of DC's greatest heroes and villains and this is a game that even gets IAP's exactly right, never making you feel you have to spend money but through the sheer quality of the game you may want to support the developers anyway. Perfect execution in so many...

Injustice Gods Among Us is a wonderful game and gets just about everything right. Injustice Gods Among Us places you in charge of DC's greatest heroes and villains and this is a game that even gets IAP's exactly right, never making you feel you have to spend money but through the sheer quality of the game you may want to support the developers anyway. Perfect execution in so many...

Injustice Gods Among Us is a wonderful game and gets just about everything right. Injustice Gods Among Us places you in charge of DC's greatest heroes and villains and this is a game that even gets IAP's exactly right, never making you feel you have to spend money but through the sheer quality of the game you may want to support the developers anyway. Perfect execution in so many...

Injustice Gods Among Us is a wonderful game and gets just about everything right. Injustice Gods Among Us places you in charge of DC's greatest heroes and villains and this is a game that even gets IAP's exactly right, never making you feel you have to spend money but through...

Injustice Gods Among Us is a wonderful game and gets just about everything right. Injustice Gods Among Us places you in charge of DC's greatest...

Injustice Gods Among Us is a wonderful game and gets just about everything right. Injustice Gods Among Us places you in charge of DC's greatest heroes and villains and this is a game that even gets IAP's exactly right, never making you feel you have to spend money but through the sheer quality of the game you may want to support the developers anyway. Perfect execution in so many...

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Sonic Dash..

December 21, 2013 No Comments 0

Sonic Dash, in this review we take a look at the latest Sonic spin-off, Sonic Dash - an endless runner that does a good job of capturing the speed of Sonic games, just watch out for those...

Sonic Dash, in this review we take a look at the latest Sonic spin-off, Sonic Dash - an endless runner that does a good job of capturing the speed of Sonic games, just watch out for those...

Sonic Dash, in this review we take a look at the latest Sonic spin-off, Sonic Dash - an endless runner that does a good job of capturing the speed of Sonic games, just watch out for those...

Sonic Dash, in this review we take a look at the latest Sonic spin-off, Sonic Dash - an endless runner that does a good job of capturing the speed of Sonic games, just watch out for those...

Sonic Dash, in this review we take a look at the latest Sonic spin-off, Sonic Dash - an endless runner that does a good job...

Sonic Dash, in this review we take a look at the latest Sonic spin-off, Sonic Dash - an endless runner that does a good job of capturing the speed of Sonic games, just watch out for those...

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Heroes of Dragon Age Review..

December 21, 2013 No Comments 0

Heroes of Dragon Age is probably one of most boring games I've played this year and feels more like a cash-in on Dragon Age than an attempt to create a great...

Heroes of Dragon Age is probably one of most boring games I've played this year and feels more like a cash-in on Dragon Age than an attempt to create a great...

Heroes of Dragon Age is probably one of most boring games I've played this year and feels more like a cash-in on Dragon Age than an attempt to create a great...

Heroes of Dragon Age is probably one of most boring games I've played this year and feels more like a cash-in on Dragon Age than an attempt to create a great...

Heroes of Dragon Age is probably one of most boring games I've played this year and feels more like a cash-in on Dragon Age than...

Heroes of Dragon Age is probably one of most boring games I've played this year and feels more like a cash-in on Dragon Age than an attempt to create a great...

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Xbox One Game DVR Review..

December 14, 2013 No Comments 0

Xbox One Game DVR. Today I'm taking a look at Game DVR on the Xbox One, Microsoft's answer to how to share gameplay with the Xbox One and sadly it's another example of Microsoft doing what it wants to push its services over delivering workable functionality that gamers want. As a replacement for Twitch TV support, Xbox One Game DVR is a failure. It's way too limited and the final 720p footage lacks sharpness associated with HD...

Xbox One Game DVR. Today I'm taking a look at Game DVR on the Xbox One, Microsoft's answer to how to share gameplay with the Xbox One and sadly it's another example of Microsoft doing what it wants to push its services over delivering workable functionality that gamers want. As a replacement for Twitch TV support, Xbox One Game DVR is a failure. It's way too limited and the final 720p footage lacks sharpness associated with HD...

Xbox One Game DVR. Today I'm taking a look at Game DVR on the Xbox One, Microsoft's answer to how to share gameplay with the Xbox One and sadly it's another example of Microsoft doing what it wants to push its services over delivering workable functionality that gamers want. As a replacement for Twitch TV support, Xbox One Game DVR is a failure. It's way too limited and the final 720p footage lacks sharpness associated with HD...

Xbox One Game DVR. Today I'm taking a look at Game DVR on the Xbox One, Microsoft's answer to how to share gameplay with the Xbox One and sadly it's another example of Microsoft doing what it wants to push its services over delivering workable functionality that gamers want. As a...

Xbox One Game DVR. Today I'm taking a look at Game DVR on the Xbox One, Microsoft's answer to how to share gameplay with the...

Xbox One Game DVR. Today I'm taking a look at Game DVR on the Xbox One, Microsoft's answer to how to share gameplay with the Xbox One and sadly it's another example of Microsoft doing what it wants to push its services over delivering workable functionality that gamers want. As a replacement for Twitch TV support, Xbox One Game DVR is a failure. It's way too limited and the final 720p footage lacks sharpness associated with HD...

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Angry Birds Go Review..

December 12, 2013 No Comments 0

Angry Birds Go Review Android. Here is a game that is struggling with its identity. Angry Birds Go isn't sure if it wants to be a racing game or a money extraction...

Angry Birds Go Review Android. Here is a game that is struggling with its identity. Angry Birds Go isn't sure if it wants to be a racing game or a money extraction...

Angry Birds Go Review Android. Here is a game that is struggling with its identity. Angry Birds Go isn't sure if it wants to be a racing game or a money extraction...

Angry Birds Go Review Android. Here is a game that is struggling with its identity. Angry Birds Go isn't sure if it wants to be a racing game or a money extraction...

Angry Birds Go Review Android. Here is a game that is struggling with its identity. Angry Birds Go isn't sure if it wants to be...

Angry Birds Go Review Android. Here is a game that is struggling with its identity. Angry Birds Go isn't sure if it wants to be a racing game or a money extraction...

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RUN-NY Robot Run Adventure..

December 9, 2013 No Comments 0

RUN-NY Robot Run Adventure. In this review for the Android title RUN-NY Robot Run Adventure we go hands-on with RUN-NY, a Mario inspired platform game, that really shines on...

RUN-NY Robot Run Adventure. In this review for the Android title RUN-NY Robot Run Adventure we go hands-on with RUN-NY, a Mario inspired platform game, that really shines on...

RUN-NY Robot Run Adventure. In this review for the Android title RUN-NY Robot Run Adventure we go hands-on with RUN-NY, a Mario inspired platform game, that really shines on...

RUN-NY Robot Run Adventure. In this review for the Android title RUN-NY Robot Run Adventure we go hands-on with RUN-NY, a Mario inspired platform game, that really shines on...

RUN-NY Robot Run Adventure. In this review for the Android title RUN-NY Robot Run Adventure we go hands-on with RUN-NY, a Mario inspired platform...

RUN-NY Robot Run Adventure. In this review for the Android title RUN-NY Robot Run Adventure we go hands-on with RUN-NY, a Mario inspired platform game, that really shines on...

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Assassins Creed Pirates take to the high seas..

December 7, 2013 No Comments 0

Assassins Creed Pirates. It's time to sail the high seas with our review of Assassins Creed Pirates on Android. A great fun title that avoids the cash-in and delivers an excellent mobile gaming experience, Assassins Creed Pirates shows the right way to represent an AAA title on a mobile device. The graphics of Assassins Creed Pirates are some of the best we have ever seen, with the water and lighting being of stand out mention. Gameplay in Assassins Creed Pirates is a clever mixture of mini games and quick time dodge and attack events in a similar vein to Death Dome but with ships. All in all we feel Assassins Creed Pirates is a game worth picking up, no matter if you're a fan of the series or...

Assassins Creed Pirates. It's time to sail the high seas with our review of Assassins Creed Pirates on Android. A great fun title that avoids the cash-in and delivers an excellent mobile gaming experience, Assassins Creed Pirates shows the right way to represent an AAA title on a mobile device. The graphics of Assassins Creed Pirates are some of the best we have ever seen, with the water and lighting being of stand out mention. Gameplay in Assassins Creed Pirates is a clever mixture of mini games and quick time dodge and attack events in a similar vein to Death Dome but with ships. All in all we feel Assassins Creed Pirates is a game worth picking up, no matter if you're a fan of the series or...

Assassins Creed Pirates. It's time to sail the high seas with our review of Assassins Creed Pirates on Android. A great fun title that avoids the cash-in and delivers an excellent mobile gaming experience, Assassins Creed Pirates shows the right way to represent an AAA title on a mobile device. The graphics of Assassins Creed Pirates are some of the best we have ever seen, with the water and lighting being of stand out mention. Gameplay in Assassins Creed Pirates is a clever mixture of mini games and quick time dodge and attack events in a similar vein to Death Dome but...

Assassins Creed Pirates. It's time to sail the high seas with our review of Assassins Creed Pirates on Android. A great fun title that avoids the cash-in and delivers an excellent mobile gaming experience, Assassins Creed Pirates shows the right way to represent an AAA title on a mobile device. The graphics...

Assassins Creed Pirates. It's time to sail the high seas with our review of Assassins Creed Pirates on Android. A great fun title that avoids the...

Assassins Creed Pirates. It's time to sail the high seas with our review of Assassins Creed Pirates on Android. A great fun title that avoids the cash-in and delivers an excellent mobile gaming experience, Assassins Creed Pirates shows the right way to represent an AAA title on a mobile device. The graphics of Assassins Creed Pirates are some of the best we have ever seen, with the water and lighting being of stand out mention. Gameplay in Assassins Creed Pirates is a clever mixture of mini games and quick time dodge and attack events in a similar vein to Death Dome but...

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What 2013 smartphone is best for gaming?..

November 5, 2013 No Comments 0

For many people who use their smartphone primarily to play casino, role-playing, adventure or other types of games, the iPhone continues to be the smartphone gaming jackpot. Try an iphone casino here. However to a large extent this is due to the fact that Apple’s App Store still leads the Google Play Store when it comes to range and choice of games. However the Play Store is closing the gap (and the likes of mobile casino sites usually produce slots, poker and roulette games compatible with both operating systems). So have there been any Android smartphones released in 2013 that can compete with the iPhone 5S when it comes to gaming? Well the Xolo Play T1000, which uses the Android Jelly Bean 4.2 OS is one smartphone that does seem like it can challenge Apple in gaming terms. For one thing it boasts the Nvidia Tegra 3 processor, which is regarded by many as the most games-friendly processor around. Of course the 5S is no slouch in this respect either with a 1.3 GHz processor – although surprisingly it is only dual-core rather than quad-core. Thus the Xolo probably wins out in this area, and there are also other ways in which this Android phone arguably offers better gaming than the 5S. For example the Xolo screen measures 4.7 inches in comparison with the 4 inches offered with the iPhone 5S which, at a time when RPGs, strategy, adventure and casino games are all providing greater levels of visual detail, is a big difference. However the lightweight quality of the 5S, at just 112 grams, makes it the easier to hold when you are playing games like poker that can last for long periods, although the rubber rear panel on the Xolo Play T1000 does...

For many people who use their smartphone primarily to play casino, role-playing, adventure or other types of games, the iPhone continues to be the smartphone gaming jackpot. Try an iphone casino here. However to a large extent this is due to the fact that Apple’s App Store still leads the Google Play Store when it comes to range and choice of games. However the Play Store is closing the gap (and the likes of mobile casino sites usually produce slots, poker and roulette games compatible with both operating systems). So have there been any Android smartphones released in 2013 that can compete with the iPhone 5S when it comes to gaming? Well the Xolo Play T1000, which uses the Android Jelly Bean 4.2 OS is one smartphone that does seem like it can challenge Apple in gaming terms. For one thing it boasts the Nvidia Tegra 3 processor, which is regarded by many as the most games-friendly processor around. Of course the 5S is no slouch in this respect either with a 1.3 GHz processor – although surprisingly it is only dual-core rather than quad-core. Thus the Xolo probably wins out in this area,...

For many people who use their smartphone primarily to play casino, role-playing, adventure or other types of games, the iPhone continues to be the smartphone gaming jackpot. Try an iphone casino here. However to a large extent this is due to the fact that Apple’s App Store still leads the Google Play Store when it comes to range and choice of games. However the Play Store is closing the gap (and the likes of mobile casino sites usually produce slots, poker and roulette games compatible with both operating systems). So have there been...

For many people who use their smartphone primarily to play casino, role-playing, adventure or other types of games, the iPhone continues to be the smartphone gaming jackpot. Try an iphone casino here. However to a large extent this is due to the fact...

For many people who use their smartphone primarily to play casino, role-playing, adventure or other types of games, the iPhone continues to be...

For many people who use their smartphone primarily to play casino, role-playing, adventure or other types of games, the iPhone continues to be the smartphone gaming jackpot. Try an iphone casino here. However to a large extent this is due to the fact that Apple’s App Store still leads the Google Play Store when it comes to range and choice of games. However the Play Store is closing the gap (and the likes of mobile casino sites usually produce slots, poker and roulette games compatible with both operating systems). So have there been...

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5 Best Halloween Android Zombie Games..

October 30, 2013 No Comments 0

5 Best Halloween Android zombie games for you to play this Halloween. I've selected some of my favourite games with a zombie theme you could be playing on Android this Halloween. Don't be scared now. I'm here to hold your hand while we take a journey through the land of zombies. Who made the list? Zombies after Me Dead on Arrival 2 Dead Trigger 2 Plants vs Zombies 2 Dead Effect A real mix of great Halloween Android zombie games and imo five of the best you can play right now on...

5 Best Halloween Android zombie games for you to play this Halloween. I've selected some of my favourite games with a zombie theme you could be playing on Android this Halloween. Don't be scared now. I'm here to hold your hand while we take a journey through the land of zombies. Who made the list? Zombies after Me Dead on Arrival 2 Dead Trigger 2 Plants vs Zombies 2 Dead Effect A real mix of great Halloween Android zombie games and imo five of the best you can play right now on...

5 Best Halloween Android zombie games for you to play this Halloween. I've selected some of my favourite games with a zombie theme you could be playing on Android this Halloween. Don't be scared now. I'm here to hold your hand while we take a journey through the land of zombies. Who made the list? Zombies after Me Dead on Arrival 2 Dead Trigger 2 Plants vs Zombies 2 Dead Effect A real mix of great Halloween Android zombie games and imo five of the best you can play right now on...

5 Best Halloween Android zombie games for you to play this Halloween. I've selected some of my favourite games with a zombie theme you could be playing on Android this Halloween. Don't be scared now. I'm here to hold your hand while we take a journey through the land of zombies. Who...

5 Best Halloween Android zombie games for you to play this Halloween. I've selected some of my favourite games with a zombie theme you could...

5 Best Halloween Android zombie games for you to play this Halloween. I've selected some of my favourite games with a zombie theme you could be playing on Android this Halloween. Don't be scared now. I'm here to hold your hand while we take a journey through the land of zombies. Who made the list? Zombies after Me Dead on Arrival 2 Dead Trigger 2 Plants vs Zombies 2 Dead Effect A real mix of great Halloween Android zombie games and imo five of the best you can play right now on...

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Call of Duty Strike Team Android Review..

October 26, 2013 No Comments 0

Call of Duty Strike Team has been released for Android. In our review we take a look at the game and render our Call of Duty Strike Team verdict. Overall, Call of Duty Strike Team is an interesting game that struggles to live up to the franchise's high quality bar. Bugs aplenty and the inclusion of IAP's in a premium mobile game is something to be wary of. If Call of Duty Strike Team had chosen to be a FPS or a Tactical RTS separately things may have gone much better. As it stands, it fails to be great at either one. As a hybrid, sure it's a clever idea and works well. However it could use a lot more polish and removal of the IAP's or drop the premium price and go F2P. It's hard to ignore the fact this could have been a great Call of Duty game. As it stands, Strike Team needs more focus to truly be...

Call of Duty Strike Team has been released for Android. In our review we take a look at the game and render our Call of Duty Strike Team verdict. Overall, Call of Duty Strike Team is an interesting game that struggles to live up to the franchise's high quality bar. Bugs aplenty and the inclusion of IAP's in a premium mobile game is something to be wary of. If Call of Duty Strike Team had chosen to be a FPS or a Tactical RTS separately things may have gone much better. As it stands, it fails to be great at either one. As a hybrid, sure it's a clever idea and works well. However it could use a lot more polish and removal of the IAP's or drop the premium price and go F2P. It's hard to ignore the fact this could have been a great Call of Duty game. As it stands, Strike Team needs more focus to truly be...

Call of Duty Strike Team has been released for Android. In our review we take a look at the game and render our Call of Duty Strike Team verdict. Overall, Call of Duty Strike Team is an interesting game that struggles to live up to the franchise's high quality bar. Bugs aplenty and the inclusion of IAP's in a premium mobile game is something to be wary of. If Call of Duty Strike Team had chosen to be a FPS or a Tactical RTS separately things may have gone much better. As it stands, it fails to be great at either one....

Call of Duty Strike Team has been released for Android. In our review we take a look at the game and render our Call of Duty Strike Team verdict. Overall, Call of Duty Strike Team is an interesting game that struggles to live up to the franchise's high quality bar. Bugs...

Call of Duty Strike Team has been released for Android. In our review we take a look at the game and render our Call of...

Call of Duty Strike Team has been released for Android. In our review we take a look at the game and render our Call of Duty Strike Team verdict. Overall, Call of Duty Strike Team is an interesting game that struggles to live up to the franchise's high quality bar. Bugs aplenty and the inclusion of IAP's in a premium mobile game is something to be wary of. If Call of Duty Strike Team had chosen to be a FPS or a Tactical RTS separately things may have gone much better. As it stands, it fails to be great at either one....

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Dead Trigger 2 Android Review..

October 24, 2013 No Comments 0

Dead Trigger 2 Android. Here is a first look review at Mad Finger Games' latest release Dead Trigger 2, the sequel to the AAA Android title Dead Trigger. Wow! What a comeback. Not only has the gameplay improved but the graphics have been given a big update, making this one of the best looking Android games released to date and offering near console quality gameplay and graphics. It's free to play so get your download...

Dead Trigger 2 Android. Here is a first look review at Mad Finger Games' latest release Dead Trigger 2, the sequel to the AAA Android title Dead Trigger. Wow! What a comeback. Not only has the gameplay improved but the graphics have been given a big update, making this one of the best looking Android games released to date and offering near console quality gameplay and graphics. It's free to play so get your download...

Dead Trigger 2 Android. Here is a first look review at Mad Finger Games' latest release Dead Trigger 2, the sequel to the AAA Android title Dead Trigger. Wow! What a comeback. Not only has the gameplay improved but the graphics have been given a big update, making this one of the best looking Android games released to date and offering near console quality gameplay and graphics. It's free to play so get your download...

Dead Trigger 2 Android. Here is a first look review at Mad Finger Games' latest release Dead Trigger 2, the sequel to the AAA Android title Dead Trigger. Wow! What a comeback. Not only has the gameplay improved but the graphics have been given a big update, making this one of...

Dead Trigger 2 Android. Here is a first look review at Mad Finger Games' latest release Dead Trigger 2, the sequel to the AAA Android...

Dead Trigger 2 Android. Here is a first look review at Mad Finger Games' latest release Dead Trigger 2, the sequel to the AAA Android title Dead Trigger. Wow! What a comeback. Not only has the gameplay improved but the graphics have been given a big update, making this one of the best looking Android games released to date and offering near console quality gameplay and graphics. It's free to play so get your download...

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