Sonic 4 Episode 2 Android Review
Sonic 4 Episode 2 Android Review, the next stage of Sonic 4 is on offer at the moment so well worth picking up for less than £1. Makes a big impact on the Samsung Galaxy Note 2
Sonic 4 Episode 2 Android Review, the next stage of Sonic 4 is on offer at the moment so well worth picking up for less than £1. Makes a big impact on the Samsung Galaxy Note 2
no matter how good it looks, the touch controls flat out suck
I have a problem with my S3, The Wi-fi is turning ON and OFF as soon a Wi-Fi becomes avaliable is really annoying and is wasting my battery life for no reason PLEASE HELP
i believe you can play with a ps3 controler
you can play with every usb controller, I use an eurocase
Does the android version of sonic4 episode 2 hav online?