Samsung to run Developer Conference

Samsung have set the date for the First Developer Conference with tickets expected to sell like hot cakes.

Such is the interest in the October 27-29 event in San Francisco that devs are already clamouring for more details.

The focus will be on all Samsung’s products and resources including Tizen, Windows, apps, APIs / SDKs and Smart TVs as well as Android and Touch Wiz.

Details are pretty sparse at the moment but if you want to sign up to be first in the queue for tickets visit.

Industry watchers are speculating on whether the conference will feature the streaming set top Boxee which Samsung acquired recently.

The firm has launched a Smart App Challenge 2014 aimed at Galaxy S4 mobile app developers with the aim of finding new apps to use group communication functionality.

Samsung is clearly interested in what outsiders have to offer as earlier this year it announced a Silicon Valley innovation centre and $1.1 billion of funds to find the next big thing in the tech world.

Apple, Google and Microsoft already hold dev conferences and a Samsung event will target those who specifically want to target the Samsung brand of handsets.