Thats what i was gonna do. Ive had mine for 4 days. It sometimes freezes while recieving notifications and sometimes when backing out of an app i get a black screen for a few seconds before getting to the homescreen
@TheAndroidizen Well it hasn’t been freezing but still getting the black screen, meaning thats probably bowing caused by apex launcher if I were to guess
All the apps that you can see in his list are not actually running… Long press on home button, then task manager and then press active applications tab, that is where you can actually see what is running, and long press for home button alone will show you recently used apps… They are not running apps… 1gb galaxy s3 can hardly run one heavy app at a time… Sry for my bad english sometimes I hate my galaxy s3… Do not buy international 1gb version, even galaxy s2 is better choice
thanks for video. so did it freeze with you so far? and can you make nova 3 multiplayer video? thanks again.
Not frozen once, Wont be getting Nova 3 for a while strapped for cash till the end of the month now.
So if my s3 freezes randomly does that mean its faulty? Cus its starting to piss me off…
Get a replacement m8 I’ve not had a single freeze on mine after 5 days and loads of use.
Thats what i was gonna do. Ive had mine for 4 days. It sometimes freezes while recieving notifications and sometimes when backing out of an app i get a black screen for a few seconds before getting to the homescreen
Not had that happen to me, send it back…
@TheAndroidizen Replaced. I can already tell its a lot smoother.
Fantastic glad you got a new one sorted hope this one is glitch free for you.
@TheAndroidizen Well it hasn’t been freezing but still getting the black screen, meaning thats probably bowing caused by apex launcher if I were to guess
I had mine for a month now. i have never experienced anything freezing. you should take it back.
@lotus93277 It was a software problem. Its stopped since flashing the latest software update. No more freezing and no more black screens
i have 2 gb of ram and s4 processor. pretty beast
Mine is choppy. Ram is always at 600mb
close some running processes or wait for the JB update that frees up some ram, ive currently got 800mb free
Shoulda gotten an iPhone…
what games were you playing??
How can u have 800 free i can barely go over 300 and i have tried closing everything
This video is showing nothing, galaxy s3 1gb version is very weak in multitasking
All the apps that you can see in his list are not actually running… Long press on home button, then task manager and then press active applications tab, that is where you can actually see what is running, and long press for home button alone will show you recently used apps… They are not running apps… 1gb galaxy s3 can hardly run one heavy app at a time… Sry for my bad english
sometimes I hate my galaxy s3… Do not buy international 1gb version, even galaxy s2 is better choice
I checked on my RAM and it says 748MB used how do I close all them apps. I dont know if its a bad thing to have that much RAM ..
HAHAHA, All he was looking at was his previously opened apps. LMAO He thought they were running in the background what a DA!!!! bahahahaha
who wants that CRAP