Excellent quality WoW SGS3 camera too sharp and showing a lot of dstalis. But one things don’t like it that colors looks to vivid specially at white floor looks too white and too bright!
if you have nothing really good to say might as well not say it Apple fan boy. Because i think your face might be too ugly for the camera to record. It might just crack.
I would bought this phone a long time ago I almost bought it 3 times. But each time I was reminded about how cheap Samsung makes the products. The build quality is absolutely terrible. Cover to the battery is made of paper literally. The camera is also a big disappointment. Very happy I waited for my Nexus 4. I just sold my optimus 2x for 250 dollars. All profit because the phone was free
I got unlocked my samsung galaxy S3 in the site phoneoon.blogspot.com, I know it is free , all solution will get there in :::: phoneoon.blogspot.com, U can also visit it
Yes the colour really pops..
Excellent quality WoW SGS3 camera too sharp and showing a lot of dstalis. But one things don’t like it that colors looks to vivid specially at white floor looks too white and too bright!
So good.. but my eyes are al little sick.
Amazing quality!!!
Bad audio
Seriously, every video has the worst audio quality. What’s up with that? is it a hardware or firmware issue?
ye Audio sucks i’m afraid, mic is tiny so to be expected external mic into the jack makes a difference oviously
sick !
Thanks for video
Awsome Review Thanks alot man
… i am certainly buying it ^^
you fucking fuck. He recorded it using the REAR 8MP camera.
get the fuck off
The sound has been fixed with latest firmwares.
you must be stupid it’s the rear moron
if you have nothing really good to say might as well not say it Apple fan boy. Because i think your face might be too ugly for the camera to record. It might just crack.
lmaffooooo even that if fucked up lmaaoooo shity phone
ohhhhhhh that explains the shityness
dont be mad that u like such a shity product …shit happens
The video quality is awesome but the audio not so great
ye sound quality is a bit poor
are you a retard samsung supply apple with their camera hardware !
Yes but Samsung uses Sony cameras in their own kit, says everything
I would bought this phone a long time ago I almost bought it 3 times. But each time I was reminded about how cheap Samsung makes the products. The build quality is absolutely terrible. Cover to the battery is made of paper literally. The camera is also a big disappointment. Very happy I waited for my Nexus 4. I just sold my optimus 2x for 250 dollars. All profit because the phone was free
No autofocus
New update fixes the tinny sound issue
The Camera sometimes flashes, is the 1080p Video Record?
Where was this recorded?
It looks lovely ^_^
the video quality is absolutely amazing !!!!!
i will buy s3 very soon
I have it , its amazing really awesome :3
what kind of updates?
The focusing is a bit weird…
The auto-focus is so annoying.
You can turn off the autofocus in video camera?
I got unlocked my samsung galaxy S3 in the site phoneoon.blogspot.com, I know it is free , all solution will get there in :::: phoneoon.blogspot.com, U can also visit it