Posts Tagged: Samsung Galaxy S3

Samsung Galaxy S3 Jelly Bean 4.1 and TouchWiz 5 – August 14 Leak – Androidizen

Posted by & filed under App, Jelly Bean, News, Reviews.


Here is the latest Samsung Galaxy S3 Jelly Bean 4.1 with TouchWiz 5 Leak this one from August 14 2012. We are very close now to the final code I can feel it. Jelly Bean for the Galaxy S3 is expected before the end of August 2012. We will be bringing you a full review once Samsung release the final code but for now check out what’s coming very soon in the video below.

Jelly Bean 4.1.1 on Samsung Galaxy S3 CyanogenMod 10

Posted by & filed under App, Games, Jelly Bean, News, Reviews.


Oh yes here is the Jelly Bean running on the Samsung Galaxy S3 it’s a bit buggy and you need to be rooted to use it. Right now Camera and Fm Radio are a bit wonky but if your brave and scoff at the idea of a warrenty head over to Xda-Developers and grab the rom and

This is a PREVIEW : CyanogenMod 10 is nowhere near ready to be used as a daily driver (lots of features still have to be merged), and same is the device support. CHECK THE KNOWN ISSUES LIST BEFORE THINKING ABOUT POSTING.

One Month with Samsung Galaxy S3 Review

Posted by & filed under App, News, Reviews.


So I’ve been using my Samsung Galaxy S3 for over a month now what do I think of it? find out in my follow up review to the 24 minute Samsung Galaxy S3 Review with the 21 minute One Month on Review.The S3 delivers where it really counts a power house of a phone wrapped up in a beautiful package that stands out from the crowd.

If you need any more convincing check out the video below: