Royal Revolt for Android played on Samsung Galaxy Note 2

Here is Royal Revolt for Android played on Samsung Galaxy Note 2 very fun game, free to play and get##Q##s tough further in.

Tower defense games are always popular and Royal Revolt has some entertaining gameplay which cast its spell over us.

From Flaregames, the creators of Ocean Tower, this latest graphically cute game sees you using magic to try to overcome family members who have grabbed your father##Q##s throne.

You need to conquer 30 castles to vanquish your foes and get the throne back.

It##Q##s a little bit reminiscent of Harry Potter, with a school called Bogsmarts, but good fun, for all that, especially as it##Q##s free and also multiplayer so you can get your m8s to play as well. Invite other people using Facebook or just at random.

The game begins easily enough but some of the higher levels are much more challenging although you don##Q##t particularly need to make any inapp purchases so it##Q##s good value all round if you plan your strategy sensibly. It##Q##s also economical with few nag screens so they don##Q##t interfere with the gameplay much at all.

It is quite loud though, so you might want to turn your speaker volume down a smidgen.

Royal Revolt has had a lot of top ratings in the Google Play Store so go get it now!