Photoshop Touch for phone Review Photo Manipulation in your pocket

Photoshop Touch for phone Review, at long last Adobe have release Photoshop Touch for phone and it##Q##s very good. Packing all the features of the tablet version into a well thought out application for Smart Phones Adobe have delivered a versatile and powerful app.

If you use Photoshop on your desktop then the Creative Cloud sync is going to be a big bonus allowing fast moving of work files between your editing systems.
There have been lots of image altering software packages over the years, some free and basic and some complicated and expensive but nothing really like as good as Photoshop, which many of us have used on Macs and PCs in design studios.

So we couldn’t wait to try out Photoshop Touch for phone and we’re pleased to say it’s every bit as good as we hoped it would be.

Android phones have increasingly had better and better cameras and the only thing missing was a quality photo software package at a reasonable price. Now we’ve got one!

At £2.99 this app is a steal. Take your photo as usual and then combine images, apply professional effects and use most of the same features you can get on the tablet version.

There are the usual Photoshop layers, selection tools and filters as well as colour and tone adjustments which can be applied just to small areas of the picture.

The brushes give you the option to create various painting effects and then you can add text and include things like shadow boxes.

The only drawback we can see is that the phone is a small interface which is a bit fiddly but you can save the image and then work on it again on your tablet or desktop PC if you have Photoshop. The image is automatically synced to all your devices with free membership of Adobe Creative Cloud.

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