Mi Cable Tidy the best way to keep your Android and wires out the way

This Mi Cable Tidy accessory is the perfect way to keep your Android device off the floor while you charge it and keep your cables nice and tidy at the same time. This unique device plugs in between your wall charger and the socket and provides a way to keep your phone, charging cable and headphones (if you desire) off the floor or balanced on a work surface.
Health and safety is also a consideration and by getting all your bits together and using the cable wrap around all those trailing wires become a thing of the past, perfect for offices or those that fear coming unstuck with cables round the ankles.
The Mi Cable Tidy works with any smartphone you care to mention including Android and at a bargain price of £4.99 it makes a great snap purchase for yourself or maybe a stocking filler for a friend of loved one.