Lock Samsung Galaxy S3 touchscreen and keys during video playback
Many people asked about this one so here is how to Lock Samsung Galaxy S3 touchscreen and keys during video playback.
Many people asked about this one so here is how to Lock Samsung Galaxy S3 touchscreen and keys during video playback.
It is for any phone
Not sure probably only the Samsung S3
Ye it’s fantastic very pleased with it had the Galaxy Nexus before
Good to know thanks
U can even find dis feature on s2,anyways i m upgrading my device from s2 to s3,cant wait.
Lol this feature has been there since the GS1
You can you do it on dolphin browser HD too
can u make a video showing what the unlock is like without ripple effect?? thanks! u have the best samsung galaxy s lll videos i have ever seen
I will try and do one tomoz for you, thx for your comment.
The YouTube app needs this badly.
yo man! thanks so much for the tip…i was wondering why the screen got locked when playing videos..now i know! Many thanks! You’re da man!
do you know if its possible to lock the screen while taking a video? i had this on my previous samsung phone and i find it so hard to film with the screen unlocked , i allways feel like i will drop the phone and its hard to hold like this, i cant find a solution if anybody could help me would be awesome, greetz
Is there any way to replace that water ripple effect with some different effect? Like electricity sparkles or fire trace?
is their a way to lock the screen while watching vids on the internet? like while on youtube, cuz everytime i my finger accidentally touches is and it pauses.. anyway to lock touchscreen while on youtube my man?
this works on my galaxy tab 2 7.0 . so i think it should work for all 2012 samsung devices
It doesn’t work on my phone.. help.
How do you get this to work on Dolphin? :/
Is there anyway to do this while watching youtube videos?
check out my website trendingsmartphonesdotcom
thanks… i did it once by accident and couldn’t figure out how i did it so thanks so much
I need help
My touch screen isn’t working I keep on tapping on the screen but nothing is happening, can anyone Plz help me ASAP
It doesn’t work. Power button just shut down the screen.
It doesn’t work. Power button just shut down the screen.
It works but only on ur video player not on youtube or vevo