Google Keep Android review note taking made easy
Google Keep Android is a fantastic app for keeping track of all your ideas or tasks. It’s been a long time since Google offered a Notes application or service and it’s good to see them come back with a bang.
Google Keep allows for colour coding or your notes and you can insert images or use your voice to dictate your notes directly to your smartphone.
The Google Keep widget is excellent and looks really slick on your home screen unlike the official calendar widget that still looks bad.
all in all Google have done a great job with Keep and may even give Evernote a run for it’s money at some point.
Now and then an app comes along that you know you will use all the time. Google Keep is one of these super timesavers and has a vast number of uses.
No more messing about with a text document or calendar. Just create a checklist, use Voice to create a text note and add a photo if you want to. Simple, clean and effective.
It syncs it all to your PC and other devices and you can use homescreen widgets for instant access.
Just like Post-It notes, you can use different colours for different things, so blue for home and yellow for work, green for social and red for essentials. If you want to turn a note into a to-do list, just add check boxes.
We’ve had a really good look at Google Keep and it’s fantastic. Your notes are stored in a cloud so you can access them anywhere, on your home PC if you want to, not just on your Android phone.
It’s free in the Google Play Store and it’s had 15,000+ ratings, of which 9,500+ were five stars. We’ll add our vote to that!
Wich rom is on your note 2 ? The offical cm10.1 or another ?
LiquidSmooth which is based on Cm10.1 i believe
Ok thanks
is the camera 100% stable?It’s a great app.
The camera in Note2 isn’t stock, right?
I have been loving this app. I was using something called Colornote. This is so much simpler and it has a Web based client so I can view it from the the desktop which I appreciate.
not 100% its the 4.2 camera and FC’s every so often
it is
no its samsungs own
ye its fantastic love Keep
Thanks for sharing that info, never knew you could share from the app thanks.
no worries
How does it conpare to s note on the note 2?
But its not as convenient as simply pulling out the s-pen and writing a note clicking save and done. Note 2 sort of already has this beat with s-note
I’ve downloaded this App and I’m definitely “Keeping” it
But I’m not going to use it until they add more functionality, It’s actually too simplistic.But the app ‘Any.Do’ is WAAYY better. It is super minimalist, but allows you to sort your tasks into different days or time frames, sort them into folders, set reminders on notes Etc Etc. It also has a really cool Google Chrome browser extension which is just a drop-down menu you can use anywhere on the internet, instead of opening a new tab.
different approach to note taking no hand written notes with Keep
I think if your with samsung note 2 the s note is just as good / quicker as it pops up with the pen removed so ill dl it and slap it in my google folder but ill more than likly stick to s note
I think s note is better too. It just needs an update for better templates and tiles. I like tiles