Stay Alight Android strike a light for bulbs everywhere


Stay Alight Android is an Angry Birds style puzzle game where you have to fling balls of light to kill the little green things.

Physics plays a big part in this game. Everything is about angles and firepower.

We found Stay Alight to be incredibly charming with some of the best graphics we’ve ever seen on an Android title and a whole kind of the universe style that just works beautifully, and adds traction into the gameplay.

Stay Alight Android provides incredibly fun gameplay with a wonderful graphical style that we just know you’re going to want to pick up and play this weekend. It’s available on the Google Play Store right now.

It’s best to Stay Alight

As you complete each level you unlock new ones and on completion of each level stars are awarded to show how well you’ve done.

You only have a limited amount of ammunition and your success is completely down to how few shots you used to complete each level of Stay Alight Android.