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Gun Bros 2 Review multi-player co-op that’s not without bugs

Here is our Gun Bros 2 Android Review played on the Galaxy S4, the over the top Co-op game Gun Bros is back but unfortunately so are the bugs that mar an otherwise excellent experience.   The graphics have been updated as ...
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Blitz Brigade Android goes multiplayer with FPS blitz

Editors Choice
It’s War and what better way to do it than Blitz Brigade, a new title from our old friends at Gameloft who have a good track record in epics of this type. A multiplayer game, a bit like Team Fortress, with up to 12 taking...

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Bounty Hunter: Black Dawn Android Borderlands meets Rage on your Smartphone

Editors Choice
Bounty Hunter: Black Dawn Android is basically Borderlands meets Rage on your Smartphone and it’s so well done you are going to want to snap up this title immediately. As well as a single player game also for your pleasur...

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