Galaxy S4 follow up to problems with workarounds

The other day I went through some of the problems I’ve had with the Galaxy S4 in this follow up video I discuss some observations and how you can minimize the impact.
I’ve been playing with loads of Galaxy S4 updates and roms to see if things improve and for the most part they do.. though I now have some interface lag meh!
i have the same problem whit the heat….but whit the note 2 gt-n7100…can u help?
Flash ROM or change kernel
From my experience a lot of the games on the play store aren’t really optimized for the snapdragon 600 CPU yet :/ e.g. GTA, and Dead trigger.
To stop that lag go to settings. Developer options and turn off window, transmission animation and also turn off animator duration. That should stop all lag on the device. Im looking to updgrade to this in a week or so. Would you recommend it?
add mi name alberto
Already done that this is something else its not redraw and its not S-voice.
I love that you didn’t just say “this device sucks”, you actually find ways to fix the problems you can
You are totally wrong about the heat issue being caused by LED lightning system…
This is an AMOLED screen, meaning that each individual pixel emits its own light, the screen is not backlit.
“Punch Hero” can be played on my S2 without problem. But on my S4, it keeps on force close… uninstall and install back many times.. and still the same.
Great information you can see that the S4 with proper tweaks will be a beast for some time.
i flash like 15 roms and like 6 kernels and i havee the same problem….
what about the purple colour when scrolling up and down?
Use gpu rendering and put transitions on 0.5
when it comes to HTC one and Note 2 has the same problem?? should i even care about the overheating issue? since i’ll always put case on it .. ?
can this problem damage the phone other than the battery because batteries are cheap to buy ????
i was going to buy the s4 but stopped and started to search for other devices when i heard about this problem!! is it really bad and can’t be fixed even if i turn off some features on the phone ??
thanks for answer
any reason why I cant turn on the remote control for the find my mobile app.I just changed from iPhone to S4 so I am a novice with Samsung and android.It might not be available in Ireland
This is not a led device it is not back lit.
My device does not over heat at all. I keep my brightness on max and play heavy games with no over heating. I think its just a select devices not all
does it solve the volume problem?
i have over heating in galaxy s4 ADD to that purple issuse in scrolling the screen
for me not after 20 min
after 3 min only WHY !?!?!
What? It is, in fact, an LED screen… And being backlit doesn’t make a screen an LED either..
Too much power in a skinny device causes heat.
Hi! How did you change the icons on your dock? The dock icons appear to be locked on my S4..
By the way the screen is not led it’s amoled the but the HTC one is a true 1080 LCD screen that’s why the HTC one screen is better and sharper iv seen them both in real life and played the same video and HTC one screen is better
amoled is a type of LED dumb ass amoLED
“I have interface lag” *Zips thru 7 screens in a second.*
‘Cause samsung put 1.9GHZ in a snapdragon 600 .. Comapre that to the 1.6 or 1.7 GHZ (not sure exactly) in the same snapdragon 600 in the HTC one
Would u say the sharpness and better picture compensate for the not so good black color it gives (compared to AMOLED)?
He rooted the device as he said.
mine does all that n more and doesn’t even get hot hott
Yeah but you got an xda download imsure atts update will handle the radio differently than tmobile for intance youre prob throwing em off dont report until your
Specific correct update comes out simplecause its close enough to be compatible almost guarantees screw ups i cant put nexus s4g cm10 on a gsm nexus s no blutooth
Works for me
my gallery stuks….says;;;unfortunately gallery stoop[ed;;;
I think gt-i9505 is the problematic one… Especially when it’s on 4g, it does get a little warm…
Within a week of purchase I suffered Mobile Network Signal Drop & Call Drops on S4 GT-I9500 It’s definitely a handset fault. Samsung Customer Care said that as a policy they could not replace my handset as it has crossed 7 days after purchase. Failing to solve the issue even after updating my software, they have provided me with the option of replacing the motherboard. I feel cheated buying a Toy of 41,500/- I DO NOT recommend Samsung Galaxy S4 unless you want to waste your hard earned money
Its AMOLED btw, the pixels light up individually, they don’t not have some LED diode or tube at the top or bottom unlike traditional LCDs. So, I don’t think it contributes much to the heat issue.
I got my s4 in april but in the last two months my signal has been aratic one min at full bar then going totally of then having to re register my phone my s2 was perfectly fine so its definitely the hand set
Bad design. The sceen is an amoled screen btw. The 3g/4g chip should have been on the top and wifi on the bottom.
My phone gets up for 38 degrees C (100 degrees farenheit) when playing any games or browsing, even if i play Modern combat 4 it wont exceed 39 degrees. it takes about 7 min to get from 26 degrees to 38 celius when playing any game. Is this normal? I dont mind the heat personally but I just want to know if this is normal, and how hot has your s4 gotten? i have 19505
My gallery freezes everytime I open it, also i can’t play videos I have recorded at all I get a message saying cant play video. I have cleared all data/caches on that specific app, even with quickpick nothing works can anyone please help? Also My mytouch q didnt have any defects at all btw I have had my gs4 for over two months. Please help?
wifi y bluetooth muerto al tratar de activar queda con el icono en verde opaco y queda activando todo el rato