Dueling Blades Android Review Galaxy Note 2, S3
Dueling Blades Android is a real time turn based strategy game, I know bit of a mouth full but what Dueling Blades brings is a fresh game mechanic that will keep you hooked.
Free on the Play Store with In app Purchases Dueling Blades has everything from leveling up your character to buying new items so much fun to be had here.
Each turn you move your character and select an arc of attack, then your move and your opponents move are played out in real time. If you predict correctly you attack fail and you will be on the receiving end.
Enemies in the game include pirates and the undead and you can even fight other players with PVP matches, sounds like a chance to challenge a friend to a Dueling Blades Android match.
We tried this game out on theĀ Samsung Galaxy Note 2
F 1 & thanks
your welcome
Not my kind of game, but enjoy the videos!
on this game im lvl 20 and im a samurai
anyone play it on samsung galaxy s2?!! i have problem here with installing it i see just white screen and after finishing installation i see the background screen but i cannot chose options like quest and online battle any application need to download to run that game fine on galaxy s2?!?! and btw i see its compatible on google play for S2
not to be a dick but your explaining the whole game to us and we jsut want to know the basics we know the npc moves and we know the hp bar and the mpbar just show us liek oh this move or oh this move dont be like oh and this right here was generated by trees.org and stuff but nice vid i play the game on kongregate if you play kon add meh im firewaffle567