Cracking Sand Android on Samsung Galaxy Note 2 & S3

If you like hectic kart racing and big guns then Cracking Sands Android has everything you’re looking for in a game.
At £3.11 from the Google Play Store, this isn’t a cheap game, but it does have a lot of entertainment value and repeat playability.
Basically, it’s another of these games where the world is coming to an end and there aren’t many people left, but you’re one of them, trying to survive in an increasingly difficult world where your best bet for continued existence are the death races.
You can create your own custom character and kart from various themes and then arm yourself with an arsenal of weapons, including missiles, mines and other far-fetched but entertaining items. You can unlock new hardware to make your character even more effective.
There are single player game modes but if you want to create global mayhem you just go online and pal up with other people in multiplayer mode.
This is one from the Polarbit stable and has some great graphics and entertaining gameplay. We think it’s fab!
What’s the best way to yet this game for free ?? #subscribed
Nice review
nice video, but I wish you’d make those review on Nexus7.. I mena, why wouldn’t you use bigger screen?
Hi. Just picked up my note 2 today, do you use a case or screen protector? Ps. Thanks for the reviews
BUYERS BEWARE, If you buy a Samsung Galaxy s3 and the screen cracks by itself, which they are known for doing (bad design) then SAMSUNG WILL NOT REPAIR IT.
No matter what,its a common problem, check you tube for this problem.
The money you paid for it hundreds will be wasted as YOU will have to repair it yourself.
Samsung don’t even answer their head office phone, try it (01932) 455788 or emails [email protected].
Just buy a ballistic HC case/invinsibleshield OR the best Otterbox Defender
ballistic HC case/invinsibleshield OR the best Otterbox Defender
Its free on galaxy y market but force close wew