BladeSlinger Android Review – Future Western with Blade and Guns

BladeSlinger Android Review this is one of those games to take notice of, BladSlinger Android is a 3D third person action game similar to Devil May Cry here reviewed on the Galaxy Note 2 & S3.

Bladeslinger is a dystopian future where the wild west is the central theme, you are armed with cybernetics, a Gun and Blade. Fighting through stages to unlock the next the graphics and gameplay are top notch.

With a unique optional control system that we would recommend you check out as it works very well Bladeslinger is a game you won’t want to miss.

Currently retailing for £3 on Google Play this title is well worth grabbing and one to show your friends.

Bladeslinger is one of those games that’s going to pick up a lot of awards.

The storyline is that William Glaston, complete with stetson and other cowboy regalia, returns to his deserted home town to confront evil creatures and liberate Hammer’s Peak.

The game has 3D environments and characters and lots of graphical detail, pretty much arcade quality. You need to be quick on the draw with touch screen combo attacks and walloping monsters. But it isn’t difficult to get the hang of it.

It costs £1.97 but the devs Luma Arcade have created plenty of non-repetitve gameplay, there’s lots of exciting action and progressively difficult challenges.

Bladeslinger is optimised on Android devices with 512MB+ RAM and there are more graphic optimisations on Tegra devices.

If you run into any problems just hop into the Google Play Store and leave a question. The devs will help and your comments will help with future updates of the game.