Batman Dark Knight Rises Android Review played on Samsung Galaxy S3
Here is Batman Dark Knight Rises on Android our Review is played on the Samsung Galaxy S3. Great game and nice to see a Batman game on mobile that isnt terrible. If you love Batman you will love this game.
unreal engine??
U better shit on me
Uve asked that twice why why why?
Gameloft engine no idea what they use…
Another question :X is there any lag on the s3 playing this game?
it says incompatible with my s3!!!
Works fine for me where are you based? I moved the apk off my GNex Gameloft have a habit of saying a game isn’t compatible with S3 when it works fine..
بصراحة ان اللعبه حلوة بالحيل
Im in the US, and ive heard it doesnt work here
I already know that the galaxy S3 is a hardware beast but after taking a look of this game on the iPad, which was ultra smooth, begs the question: Is the lag due to poor optimization or is it because of the hardware?
looks great!
Batman has poor optimisation because every other game runs with best fps for me on my s3 but this..
how to download free?
Man you suck at the game.
iphone 5 graphics are great than any android phone
@uiusthb Me too! Suuuuch a cool movie. Already watched it twice >>>
It looks like a cool game
mission take me 25 days…to complete all chapter……Bane is dead and gotham is safe now…..
i like samsung
I have Samsung galaxy note 2