Cordy 2 Android, Cordy is back in his latest platform adventure Cordy 2 and he##Q##s better than ever. Cordy is like Sonic or Mario for your Mobile but with great graphics and fun game play. You know how great platform games us...
Bert on Mars Android Review Galaxy Note 2 & S3, follow up to one of the game we adore here at Androidizen Bert in Space. Bert is now on Mars and he##Q##s in even more trouble this time. New monsters and new artwork but the ...
Trial Xtreme 3 Android is one of those fine game series that always keeps me coming back for more,Trial Xtreme 3 is challenging and compulsive once you get the hang of it. The graphics for Trial Xtreme 3 are some of the best ar...
Here is ShaqDown Android I have to confess to not being massively aware of Shaq or why he matters so much to Americans but the game is alright and beating up zombies in ShaqDown Android keeps me entertained for a while. Now and...
Just when you think you##Q##ve seen all the cutest games on the planet, along comes another one, even cuter than the rest. This is Gravity Sheep, a hapless ball of mutton and wool who needs your help to complete his quests. Fro...
Icy Tower 2 Android here is our Review on the Samsung Galaxy Note 2. The Sequel to Icy Towers is more of the same with updated graphics and a new soundtrack. Similar to other upward running games you have to jump as high as you...
Contre Jour Android I may not be able to pronounce it##Q##s title all that well but this is a one great game. You have to guide your little blob to collect light and exit the level via a ball of light. Contre Jour Android kille...
Metal Slug Android represents one of the best classic arcade games freshened up for the Android Platform. Never played Metal Slug well you are in for a treat. This side ways scrolling shoot-em up never lets up with fast paced o...
Sonic 4 Episode 2 Android Review, the next stage of Sonic 4 is on offer at the moment so well worth picking up for less than £1. Makes a big impact on the Samsung Galaxy Note 2
Sonic Jump Android Review, loving this new take on Sonic the hedgehog. this vertical jumping platformer has all the classic Sonic style and speed. Played on Nexus 7
Here we are with our Worms Android Review, A classic game that I think I##Q##ve owned on every device ever made at this point. Ahh worms many an hour I have sat and played Worms Android it##Q##s a classic from it##Q##s earliest...