Galaxy Assault Android review this bullet-storm-hell endless runner is the perfect way to spend a few hours this weekend. Excellent graphics and tricky game-play means practice makes perfect. Cartoon-style games are always popu...
God of Blades Android, God of Blades is a sort of endless slasher or beat em up depending on how you look at it. Your job is to use a big sword as you run forward to chop down the evil things coming the other way. God of Blades...
BladeSlinger Android Review this is one of those games to take notice of, BladSlinger Android is a 3D third person action game similar to Devil May Cry here reviewed on the Galaxy Note 2 & S3. Bladeslinger is a dystopian fu...
AVP: Evolution Alien Vs Predator for Android is the AVP game we deserve. AVP: Evolution is a AAA Alien Vs Predator game that is a joy to play. It’s been a long time coming but we finally have an Alien Vs Predator game tha...
Syder Arcade Android, Fabulous graphics can make a good game even better so we sat down to play Syder Arcade HD expecting that we##Q##d find it gripping. And we did. For 77p at the Google Play Store, this offering from Studio E...
Here##Q##s a game which is suitable for even the youngest members of the family – if they can get it off the adults that is! Bumblebee Race Free is a super game for the Android, if a little bit laggy at times. However, it...
If your name is Lorna and you##Q##re the lucky recipient of grandpa Alfred##Q##s Cypress Inheritance then you may want to be a bit worried. It##Q##s always nice to receive a large inheritance, or is it? You##Q##re up against th...
Guns 4 Hire Android is a new release from developer Rebellion and it##Q##s very good. Guns 4 Hire is a top down squad based shooter with IAP. The graphics are fantastic and the gameplay fast and action packed, so many explosion...
There##Q##s nothing we at Androidizen like better than a good fight with zombies so Zombie Terminator Android is epic. So when Zombie Terminator zoomed into view we thought this new update from FT Games was worth a good look. ...
Trial Xtreme 3 Android is one of those fine game series that always keeps me coming back for more,Trial Xtreme 3 is challenging and compulsive once you get the hang of it. The graphics for Trial Xtreme 3 are some of the best ar...
Here is ShaqDown Android I have to confess to not being massively aware of Shaq or why he matters so much to Americans but the game is alright and beating up zombies in ShaqDown Android keeps me entertained for a while. Now and...