3DMark Android Ice Storm extreme Galaxy Note 2 Benchmark results

3DMark Ice Storm extreme testing on the Galaxy Note 2 here are our Benchmark results. Futuremark have released their long running benchmark tool 3DMark for Android here are our early results on the Note 2 running Liquidsmooth rom.

If you’re a game enthusiast, checking the performance of your smartphone or tablet is easy with 3DMark, a world-class benchmark utility which uses the Ice Storm Extreme test.

This great free app from Futuremark allows you to compare your device with other Android and iOS devices, including tablets running Windows or Windows RT.

The app is compatible with a fantastic 1,000 Android devices so yours is bound to be one of them!

3DMark is one of the most useful tools out there, used by millions of people including technology firms keen to see how their new devices compare with those of their rivals.

This is a professional diagnostic app which is easy to use and understand and you can use it to measure overclocking and tweaks to your device. There’s a vast results base so you can see whether you need to make improvements to compete with the best.

After you’ve used the free version you might want to install the advanced or professional editions which give you more facilities. For instance, on those two editions you can test custom settings and get offline result management as well as store all your results. The paid-for versions are also advert free. The advanced edition is a very reasonable $19.95 and the professional version is $995.

If you just want the entry preset then the benchmark runs in 1024 x 600 resolution with a low level of load on the graphics card. It’s suitable for most DirectX II capable notebooks and netbooks.

At the other end of the scale, you can get extreme preset running in 1920 x 1080 if you want to benchmark a PC which has been set up for high end gaming.

The free version of 3DMark Android is available over on the Google Play Store now and it’s very impressive.