Galaxy S4 buyer beware problems and failures
It pains me to say the problems and failures on the Galaxy S4 are too many to ignore. Be it the Headphone issue, wifi issue, manufacturing and QA failures or the over heating problem. This has to be the buggiest smartphone release in a long time.
To me it appears Samsung has rushed to market, failed to QA their product sufficiently and entered a race to have the biggest product spec at the expense of usability and quality.
Thank u so much and im really hopping samsung fix these issues…=)
same here
Or at least till Samsung fix these problems
Hey. I have sent a message to your fbook inbox regarding sending my htc one to you to review.
Thanks Sam
Was gonna buy S4….will now wait after watching this.
Wow you sound really angry during this video, thanks for pointing out all the defects. I’m sharing this with my 2 friends who are planning to buy the S4.
I’ve sent your video link onto Samsung UK…..very good points raised in this video.
I also have to we as me we demand a lot in phones
play games massive market android is compare to windows bit new
is this the quad core or octa? ?
Tough video to make in honesty but its hard to gloss over so many issues like this, I expect better and I know many others do as well. I really hope they can sort the problems out. Their is a great device in that S4 I’m sure of it.
NA I sound like that most of the time lol, I’m passionate about technology and I boil over from time to time
I’ve put in an email to Samsung’s PR yesterday about the Headphone issue, a few hours before AndroidPolice ran their story. No response hope they acknowledged the problems soon would make everyone feel better to know they are looking into it. Although not sure what they will do about the manufacturing glitches other than swap the devices.
This is the Quad Snapdragon 600
Gloss over is the wrong choice of word, what I mean is balance usually a problem for one person is a niggle for someone else, like removable battery vs sealed in or gets hot gaming so a gamer may not choose this handset. The S4 has so many little problems you start to wonder if theirs anyone left who would be happy to own one in its current state.
HTC one it is
just take a look at the models they release …..oh god…too many to choose from
I dont see that as that much of an issue, but this is the flagship phone it should be well the best it can be or its not your flagship.
I haven’t taken a long look at the HTC yet so can’t comment if that has less issues, more issues or whole other issues
Should be taking a look in a week or so’s time.Samsung makes cheep products, its not quality. I had the note II for a month and a half and I started seeing similar problems to S4 (parts coming apart).
I know a few people had some issues with the note 2 build but mine has been excellent.
the iPhone 5 isnt a great product if you are leaving Android at least wait and see what the iPhone 6 looks like. Apple need to sort their technology out they are far behind the market right now.
You’ve mentioned it… It’s a new phone on the market
and If I received a phone with build quality issues i would replace it right away and wait for an update to fix the other problems… simple
Like to say that without your fantastic and very honest reviews would not have purchased the s3 or note 2.Your the best reviewer on youtube.
Look forward to your comments on the HTC 1 next week
One does not simply get a phone replaced in all cases though sadly.
Loving my S3, wodl not change it for the world. for the moment that is
I’m not a fan of the GS4 but all first batches have issues.
Great to hear
Very true though the S4 has more than most, I usually have the first batch of the leading devices so have a general sense for when things haven’t gone as well as it could, I have a second S4 coming next week from a later batch will be interesting to see the difference.
You also act like these issues are on EVERY Galaxy S4. That’s a bad deal as a tech reviewer. Shouldn’t let one bad apple spoil the bunch. Just stating facts. For example: My very first Nexus 7 was crap. It had a dead pixel, over heated, screen was separating from the housing, screen ghosting, over heating, and extensive battery drain. I didn’t give it a bad review. I told myself ” its the first batch so let me get a replacement”. New one has been flawless every since.
That’s what you get for trying to be the first kid on the block with the new toy…you become a beta tester.
This isnt a review S4 it’s a round up of the issues I’ve found with mine. The issues are wide spread take a look at any of the forums and you will see repeating patterns of failures with the S4. Yes it’s true all first batches have problems but some of the problems are not run of the mill issues and should of been ironed out before launch. We arn’t paying Samsung to Beta test their products, maybe with Google we do.
Agree with you but this many on so many devices? Just basic QA would of picked up the screen surround not fitting properly. It’s basic QA and more over it Samsung should be more on the ball than allowing it to happen just to meet a shipping quota.
Does seem like that somedays
but it really shouldn’t be the case with such an expensive device, be that Samsung, Apple, HTC, Google or anyone. It shouldn’t matter if its the first batch or not in fact the first batch should be the one they want to get right the most to create the best first impression.Stupid video. Every phone has this issues.
No they don’t and not to this extent but thanks for your thoughts
Yes they do. What a turd.
As a writer you should try backing up your claim with more proof. You can’t just say to your viewers “other forums say this and that”. Because that is just plain stupid.
We can agree to disagree then, I own first batch S3 and Note 2 and know many others who have them as well, whilst both those handsets had some issues at launch they were not on the scale of the problems people are having with the S4.
Check XDA developers, Android Police, Android Central and the comments below on this video. The reports are their for all to see. Android Police did a great write up yesterday on the audio issue that shows a clear problem.
Yes, it’s very professional of you to say that. You are basically generalizing all the S4 handsets without having any scientific research or survey to back it up. I own one and it has none of these issues.
Great have you checked yours for the Audio problem?
No audio problem. Checking it right now.
As they say, “the plural of anecdotes is not data”, but my wife & are have had our S4′s for a couple weeks now and have had exactly zero problems. I even had mine rooted for a bit to play around with it. So, knock on wood that it stays that way.
Great to hear
Good to hear if you will pardon the pun
Glad I have a #htcOne! This looks to be a rushed POS and as you said was rushed just for the sake of competition, being a htc fan this pleases me greatly to see such a epic fail
LOLYou have failed in my eyes. I mean next time set the display timeout something longer as it is pretty annoying that you are switching it on every 3 seconds.
Interesting to hear
I am glad I seen this before I got one for my husband for father’s day.
You mad bro?
Great video. You forgot to include the usable space and the lack of 32 and 64 GB
Keep in mind that you may not suffer the same problems as me or any for that matter. The S4 is a great device let down by some rough edges.
the space problem is irritating but not an issue as such as it’s what’s samsung intended even if they left it to be discovered rather than being up front about it. Also I think some network will have or have already the 32gb though they are exclusive at the moment.
Hey bro how you feel about the lg optimus g
Not had a go with one yet but the specs are encouraging.
Thanks bro I traded my HTC one for the lg well my boy paid the 100 bucks but this phone is as good as the HTC or Samsung only problem us the glass back part from that its great wish I kept the htc one
Faux kernel fixed the audio cracking for me. Sounds better then anything I’ve ever heard. Faux sound on the market
I was using klipsh reference one. And klipsh buds. The audio is definitely fixed for me. I also went through adapt sound and it made audio even more clear. I’m extremely pleased with sound now. I beg you to try
Is that really made from metal?
Come on man don’t hate. I have nine of those problems. This build is extremely solid. I audio cracking was my only issue and now it’s solved with a software fix. I’ve dropped this twice on the ground outside and there isn’t even much of a scratch. I was actually impressed after watching all the other drop test videos. I thought it was going to crack for sure. I love this phone. It doesn’t get hot at all for me and the build is perfect? There are going to be some bad units but not that many
Thank you very much for the review.
Mine is fine in all fields mentioned on this video.
Hey.should I updrade from galaxy s3 to s4
Thanks for the information, would you please upload this video with high resolution? The quality is so poor.
Androidizen, do you complain about a laptop with killer specs getting hot after playing a game for a little time?
If no, then why are you complaining about a phone with killer specs getting hot then?
The phones today are small computers with good hardwares. And complaining that the phones gets a bit hot + the battery doesn’t last longer than a day is a bit ridiculous when todays laptops with killer specs barely breaks 6 hours of batterylife.
Do you see what i’m trying to explain here?
All those be solved with note 3
glads i got a note 2
If you don’t like it just return it! What’s the big deal! Stop fucking crying puto!
I’ve had mine since new and have had no problems. Dislike!
Only a few can make it to being a good unit my friends. .I have a gn2 and ever since February I been nothing but satisfied..all the others before it has been nothing but irritating problems. They are coming out way to fast now my friends. They not testing all angles good now..rush rush rush for that $
A bunch of crying over small things
He dont know what he talking i havent had any of those problems
Are you a apple fanboy in disguise?
We all have choices that’s the beauty of Android, no phone is perfect but I would still have an S4.
Still going to get it in 7 weeks. Currently got an s2.
aha what do you expect, does any other phone relatively the same size perform like the s4? you’re trying to compare a cellphone vs a laptop/conouter…
Have you read the EN subtitling ??? … It’s ridiculous. It looks like it was sponsored by Samsung to dilute the message of this video …
Try looking at some of the alternative superphones.
I don’t disagree with anything this guy has said but I would hate to know him.
That’s why you spend half the money band get a nexus 4..
This is a great video! I always thought you to be a “samsung nut” so to have you bluntly say what’s wrong with it is refreshing. I hope you do this with all future devices you get!
it didnt even release in my country yet still waiting, i guess they’re working on fixing these issues before making new distribution
Even I am in UK just have one question.. is the S4 coming with the snapdragon 600 or octa core processor ? :S
I think the rule of thumb here is just to not be an early adopter of any device. Samsung, HTC, Apple, LG all have early revision hardware/build quality issues in one way or another. It does look like samsung though have more than their fair share this time round.
Lets hope so. the Note 2 was near perfect probably the best handset ive used in decades.
Sorry but your missing the point at no time did i compare the device to a laptop or gaming PC. My point is after 20 minutes my S4 gets too hot to use comfortably, that would apply to anyone. are you saying that we should be happy to game for 20 minutes on our £500 devices? I think thats not acceptable.
Not a review, our full review will be following once we get another S4 to test against this one. Then we can make a determination as to the build quality and if this was a bad unit or part of a wider set of problems.
lol check out TSF Shell if your interested in replacing TouchWiz.
Yikes! that the sort of thing that concerns me, the QA/Build quality does appear to be poor right now. Hope you get it sorted quickly.
If you set the problems aside ive had then under it all their is a great device but its marred by these very oviouse flaws I have with my unit.
None of the things you listed make the device unusable! You cried about stupid shit.
The headphones not working on volume number 11, are you serious? Pick another number…
The phone getting warm, every Galaxy phone ive had gets warm after continued usage. Seems to go away after a while…
Stop fucking crying, you have no idea of how much of woman you sound like. Sale it or return it if you cant afford it or dont like the small issues. Phone is not even that expensive…
Why do Samsung Pimps always resort to foul language when their plastic fantastics get bad press … you like them, other people find them trashy … live with it … but try to make rational replies without profanities, for everyone else’s sake.
Have you got a 4G sim and are your local base stations upgraded to 4G yet?
Im a grown man, i can talk or type however i feel fit. Blow me you faggot, your the only thing thats trashy here
Go tend to your gay ass Beetles and those ugly ass inbred grandkids of yours
Neanderthaal – not even amusing
…When ya gonna show us a video of those bikes you claim you own troll?
Agreed, its not a garbage device, you would have to look to the Iphone 4 for an clear example of what garbage looks like. The S4 is potentially a great device but that right now based on my experience isnt recommendable until samsung iron out these problems.
I own both bikes, if faggots like you would stop reporting my videos you would see them. have more subscribers and video views then you but no videos…be smart retard.
But we can see your a old, fat, ugly, faggot that likes beetles. And im sure both your grandkids are remedial. Im done replying to you.
S walk resets whenever it wants too
At 01:26 u point out at headphone jack on the right. Actually S4 headphone jack is on the left! My friend tested on his S4 as u mentioned.. But nothing happened as u mentioned.
Great video, very informative. Thank you for doing this!
lol , which salesman would ask u not to buy a $760 phone. haha ridiculous
and u expect samsung to say that s4 has this problem, that problem before releasing it ? haha dumbfuck.
Good info thanks! ignore the foul mouthed trolls. I was looking to buy the S4 but will hold off at the moment and stick with the Note2. A review of the HTC would be of interest
Htc1 is garbage. You drop it once and it cracks. HTC1 has gorilla glass 2 unlike The gs4 has a gorilla glass 3. When it comes to screen build quality and design Samsung blows htc1 off the planet. HTC1 has the most awkwardest placed power button and home button and two enormous unnecessary speakers. Heavier and longer than it has to be with a very narrow screen which makes viewing not so pleasurable. No menu button. Navigation is an obstacle.
When it comes to build quality HTC1 does a great job (accept for the outdated gorilla glass 2) but when it comes to build “design” it’s an epic fail.
S4 failed. I will stick with note 2
One question I would like to ask.. What job does this guy have. THEN we can appreciate his knowledge of customer testing, product development etc if he’s a guy that’s just off the street spouting off because he’s a fan lover of Samsung and what he does is bus drives or types at a keyboard then he should back off
Very nice! Thank you for this. Ill stick to my awesome Note 2 then. (:
lol~ it’s ok since i already buy HTC ONE!!
Thank you very much. I was going to buy the GS4 in the few coming days, but, after watching your video, I think I’m going to slow it a bit down before taking the final decision.
Thank you again.
This guy is retarded. I never heard of the issues he has mentioned on any of the reviews that are carefully analyzing every aspect of this phone. If you have personality issues because the volume at 11 sounds bad then get another phone. We don’t need to hear that stupidity coming out of your mouth.
Already got mine, and basically all the problems are not like described. The headphone jack is flawless, a use it at any volume and it works perfectly. The finishing material and built are also very good, there’s nothing out of place. But i must say, the heat problem use to exist on mine, dont know why, but for the 3 or 4 days after i bought it, it was heating like crazy when i played any game. But now it’s working with no problem.
yes i have a 4glte sim card and a lte data plan. but i dont know what you mean when you say base stations upgraded..
i notice the heating issues but that’s about it.. i mean other than the software feeling kind of laggy at times, i don’t have any other problems besides the heat. it’s not unbearable heat but noticeably warm after just a short while of usage.. i hope they can send out updates to fix this bullshit… and i hate all the bloatware on the phone taking up my memory.. like let me get rid of that shit you evil fucks! i bought this phone, it’s mine now, let me do with it what i fuckin please!
you’re really really reallyyyy stupid… and ignorant
think I will stick with my s3
My GS4 only has issues with speed, which I think is a mutual feeling among others. Some GS4′s may have issues, but the HTC One has it’s issues too.
I’m not but you are. You’re a waste of sperm.
I have a lot of features disabled on it and it still lags when running apps. It heats up when I watch videos or movies. It also has been shutting off on its own. I did a speed test on it it only pulls 1/3 the speed of the iPhone 4S I got rid of on cell data, so far the only thing that impressed me is the screen, and the Google play store. I might return it and try the HTC ONE. I will agree with this guy on 1 thing they should’ve tested it more before release, and worked out some of the flaws.
in my s4 i got a music player problem, when the audio is longer then 20 minutes then it doesn’t go forward, guys check it out its a serious problem!
Someone at phones4u says galaxy s4 says no faults that you are showing
Thats the UK Model Exynos 5 and early on they report it was having heating problems. For the US there should be this problem
I felt like you were my teacher telling me off at parents evening
korean always scared to lose, thats why samsung make s4 rush to the market and clock the processor as high as possible
The Octa Core version does not have 4g chip. Only the quadcore version has 4G.
i saw that the htc one has had problems with the speakers, they vibrate when you play sounds, the capacitive buttons don’t work for soome seconds after pressing them many ties and the quality of the phone as well, the frame is not so tight in some areas aaround the phone. so yeah! these problems shouldn’t happen when we pay so much for these phones.
Yikes, when I get mine I will be sure to check it for all these issues! I probably won’t get mine until around June some time so let’s hope they’ve been fixed by then
Also, for the build quality of the HTC One, don’t get your hopes up, I’ve heard MANY stories about the different parts not lining up, people getting cut on them, light beams shining (very brightly) through cracks on the side of the phone from the screen, etc.
But whichever phone anyone gets, I hope you get one without any defects
None of these problems with my s4
How did you get ‘ANDROIDIZEN’ on the lock screen mate??
nobody should have their headphones up to 11 unless they are deaf.
get a case so it wont feel hot
Ordered the Samsung S4. Can’t wait!
That is why the note 2 is still the best in the market=)
It wasnt my s4 after all! It was the actual skullcandy that broke inside the headphone port…hopefully i can figure out how to get em out or wait for that piece to become available and swap it..
Hi everyone I purchased a HTC one 16 gb black edition and it’s amazing.
None of the problems you mentioned on my gs4.
Androids are below iPhones. Keep it real people….
Hey are you getting the HTC One for comparison?
The s4 definitely should not lag that is touchwiz slowing the phone down taking 8gb of space from the 16 the processor should be easily able to handle it but many reviews show the lock screen lags and home screen transitions lag. An update should fix this problem hopefully samsung listens to the complaints.
Def gonna stick with my note 2 for now. But im disappointed with sammy getting greedy and a bit lazy. They have too many devices out. Htc 1 is a lovely devise but the screen is too small for me as ive been spoilt by the note 2. Even if these issues weren’t there this phone is a skinnier and slightly smaller note 2 with a few more features
I have none of these problems with my s4. This guy is trying so hard to make the s4 look bad lol waste of my time watching this
Liked your video and letting everyone know of the problems
Great vid, I agree with the “rushed to market” bit
u forgot to mentioned the storage issue sir..16g but only 8g is available to use, it shld be better than that.
Why to make video like this? You are telling us what we could all see when we get our phones. You could tell us how to fix the problems and i know that some people want to know about their phones but is it so bad that a plastic product does not feel so good in hand
It seems like the product wasn’t thoroughly field tested and Samsung just wanted to make the phone appealing on paper.
Hi sinan, I want to ask you:
How did you reach this video? I mean, did you search for GS4′s problems and failures? Or is it by coincidence?
It’s not sarcasm, I’m serious about the question. Just having some statistics if you don’t mind me asking.
Thanks anyway.
Hello fucker u indirectly promoting htc.this is shit fucker .if I thing I could have make like this video for htc Nokia iPhone .fucker get lost
You talk about heat problems, and then you recommend the HTC one. If the s4 gets hot, then the HTC one becomes a furnace for real. I have an S4, and I can safely say that the problems you mentioned are just on your phone. Just thought everyone deserved to hear that.
Apples a joke subpar fans go take tall purple pics n get lost with ya horrible maps
The galaxy s4 is made out of plastic not metal all plastic
my s4 works just fine. never had any of those problems. must be your defective device. or maybe you have 1000 apps that stream data constantly.
I have the S4. I’ve had every Galaxy line phone. I love this phone, but a few updates are definitely needed. Samsung better put a fix in quickly.
Air gesture not not working, since t mobile ota update.and it’s sluggish now.i agree a few weeks testing could have solved some of these issues….not a happy Samsung fan.
Interesting. Even though you are right and the phone is not perfect – I noticed the heat issues, though a firmware upgrade improved on that to a degree – I was astonished you feel that strongly.
I fear with todays over-potent cpus (for phones) overheating is near-impossible to avoid when taxing them and you’ll probably notice it with similarly competetive ones (though maybe not as bad).
I have also heard of HTC One quality control issues.
But it may indeed been somewhat rushed.
don’t have any problems
My unit heats up while charging and that is the only issue i have so far, I have had it for a week now.
My Lg Optimus G ( not pro ) gets hot after 20-40 minutes of playing games, but it isn’t impossible to hold in your hand. It’s just kinda hot, not burning.
I don’t have any of yure problem ..
You a f****** pussy it’s been your hand
dude ur english is so freaking awesome!!!
Ha! And they keep bitching about Apple’s iPhone. You see now how Samsung isn’t as perfect as you may think?? Although I don’t think is such a bad phone, the overheat is normal at all powerful smartphones/PC/tablets. If you cant hold the phone because of the heat, than its something wrong with yours. But yes its true, Samsung seeks the for the supremacy so much that they buff up their phones to win the battle at any cost, Ive noticed Samsung’s thirst for power a long time ago
LG???? I think you’re bullshiting me!!! Im never buying again from LG even if it was the last company on the planet!!!!
I got the heating problem too….
Fucking lusers htc samsung never gona make nice cell just give me your $ and fuck u
i want to buy a gs4. but on your gs4 after 20 minutes of using it does it get hot cause if so then i’m thinking about a iphone 5
Does anyone has problem with the video player? Mine the volume button and the button that rotates the screen in video player are displayed strange like broken icons. However videos are worked fine
田馥甄 !
I had to send my gs4 into samsung because the camera app would crash the phone, not to mention the physical camera lens wouldn’t focus. I already spent so much money on the gs4 that I’m already stuck with it, so I’m screwed basically.
Hey can you also check to see if you can replicate another issue i found on my gs4? 1)turn bright all the way down. 2)go in dark room. 3)view a grey color wallpaper or black. Problem: you will see 3 line down and 3 across (white but very subtle lines dividing the screen into 16 rectangle sections).
u say coz hurry i say its cheap quality
Weird I’m not having any of these issues with my s4.
This phone has lag issues to
I use Senhizer MM30I and have no issues with the crackling at 11. Maybe they are not high end enough?
Does anyone have issues viewing HD youtube on there S4? I have a choppy playback at times?
I have no any problem except my earphones stoped working on right side
You could get a case for that side problem
headphones doesn’t work grrr !!!!!!!
head phone jack is a bitch
My s4 scrern blurs text alot
im not having any of these problems, you have a shitty phone bruv
I think the click click sound happens when u are using 7.1 virtual surround sound option with bad quality songs. I experienced it but then I changed to other options in equalizer and it was gone. Heat is not that much issue unless you are not charging and playing around with it. But the biggest issue with me is that the device some times reboots on its own when I tries to open the camera app. Might be a software glitch I heard many others having the same problem. Overall device is good and flies
Samsung didn’t clock Adrendo GPU, it’s still at 450mhz. Whereas my octa-core S4 has 533mhz clocked GPU. It only heats up because of it’s heat sink design.
your an idiot…
learn your phone buddy
root your phone and get rid those bloatwares as much as possible bro!
You are advertising this BLACKPROPAGANDA. Just one question why did you say this in the end part “Overall this is a great device”?
This the best android flagship phone for the year 2013!
This guy sounds like he has sand in his vagina.
I have none of these issues on my S4. Coming from the note 2, I’m pretty satisfied
Hi! I loved your video review regarding the S4. However, I’m facing the same issues too except the heat problem. GS4 is my first smartphone and I’m highly disappointed with a bunch of small problems it is causing. One more problem I’ve found out is that the incoming call command “answer” doesn’t work well. I need to shout at it for 5-10times to make it work whereas the “reject” command is perfectly fine”. Could you please tell me if this an individual problem that i’m facing or a common issue?
My new S4 makes no noise when receiving incoming calls. Settings are set properly and its not on mute. No one can figure this one out. Anyone know?????
I am having heating issues
Just buy iPhone as soon as the new edition is released you dont have to worry about the amount of crap Android phones get. Jailbreak the iPhone when you get bored with its UI.
Do I notice any lags or something
What the CPU and GPU all about and what it does ?
and it still is boring haha
Good thing I have the new HTC one I think it’s better anyway
no, try it before you make a comment like that.
Apple forever!
the problems you said do not affect me, BUT after 3 weeks of having the thing the camera got this horizontal line of dead pixels! now i have to and get a replacement. it appeared out of no where, i was just playing with the camera features and BOOM! a line that appears even in the photos -.-
If you think S4 has quality issues, then run like hell from the HTC One – I purchased one & it came with bad defects out of the box – around the edges, which is plastic on the HTC One – there were scratches, very bad gaps that would close if you squeezed the phone & jagged cuts where the plastic butts up against the metal body. I mean it is pitiful looking, so anyway – got my 2nd HTC One – SAME THING.
Samsung is a giant in the consumer electronics world, HTC is not. Put your trust in Samsung.
It’s not – I have owned two and sent them both back for defects out of the box. Look around the edges – I’m sure you have defects there as well – Google: HTC One Quality Issues.
My S4 also have over heating problem … 50C , never happen on my galaxy note2
Maybe next update firmware will fix over heating problem …
Your video still hasnt stopped the over 10 million people who have bought this phone. I do agree though the S4 does have a lot of issues that Samsung should have properly addressed. I also feel they rushed the phone to the market.
perhaps vice versa?
I’ve got no problems on my S4
And I game a lot
I only noticed a heating problem on my s4 when I download through 4g.
Nickpardines321abl do u have the internal verision
You dont have problems cause you dont understand or dont notice. Or your used to phone with problems or you just by shitty phones all the time.
oorrrr these problems are not on my phone???? why is it so important to you that my phone should have a problem? i bought my s4 and imma tell you im sticking with matter what haters like you have to say
Bought mine yesterday and when i unboxed it there was a crack underneath the screen. any one else had or heard of this? taking it back today but not sure if i should get a replacement or get the HTC One.
thats right it heats a lot !
you are correct. i really got shocked when i receive my ipad3 without paying a dime @ my home yesterday. And, is really easy to register for your ipad3 gift, just give ur email and mobile num. its worth a try here ->
Update from my previous comment. So I went and got a replacement s4 got home opened it and there was a chip in the bezel. Took it back and this time opened the 3rd one in the shop and it was fine. But I managed to get 2 faulty units before I got 1 that was good. Samsung QC must be awful atm.
im using galaxy S4 working good at volume 11 … whats problem with you man!!!!!!
I don’t have such problems with my phone too, it gets warm and thats normal with every phone.
i have a note 2 and considered an s4 but after hearing all the problems ill pass. the note 2 has never had any of these silly issues. id return your s4 and get a note 2
i don’t have those problem with my phone but it sometimes shuts down on his own i don’t know whyyy
((I did not experience any of those problems except the heat issue. However I solved this problem by buying a heat absorbing cover. Overall it is a good phone though
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mine doesn’t have any of these issues. thank goodness
ya, the audio issue happens the same with my s4 but only when i use my other earphones. but when i use the samsung bundled headphone, there’s no problem at all.
true. it works fine with the samsung bundled headphones. But those headphones suck big time
mine doesnt get hot. and my head phones are fine. except i dropped my phone and now ramdomly it says i have head phones plugged in when i dont but thats my fault
You need to do a separate review for the I545 found on Verizon. I have one and it has absolutely NONE of the problems you listed. It doesn’t overheat, the battery life is actually surprisingly good, I have never had any issues with WiFi, the screen is amazing and the audio output is rock solid on my Shure SE535′s (which are 36 ohms and cost more than the phone). The audio was rather muddy with overblown bass but that was fixed with a good EQ.
This model is the snapdragon or exynos?
snapdragon… I have one, the volume at 11 is still brilliant as at 1 or 2 or 10 etc. I’ve never found a WiFi that it wouldn’t work on.. I play games every day for one hour at one time and I’ve never see my s4 went very hot..
Samsung S4 is a great phone.
This video sucks, with your wicked ass Dawkins accent and voice.
your accent makes everything you say more reasonable, but it’s not.
galaxy s4 screen are broken only 5 inch from drop very bad for us and very bad battery backup i advise do not parches
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sure is right, this is really fantastic. Listen to this, it’s way easier than i thought do a few surveys and boom a few $100 extra in your bank every week. you can get it from here:\_HASH_
He sounds like a bitch
Which version is this the international or the LTE? Please respond.
I have these problems with i9505 (snapdragon600 lte version)
My earphones crackle at volume 10 or above, they are low impedance, anything under approx 16 ohms crackles. It also overheats just browsing on chrome after 15 minutes. Glad I kept my note 2
RUSHED it was released the same time the s4 was
not just a bitch but a whiny ass bitch
burn hands?? wtf… u must have pussy ass hands if little warmth burns ur whiny ass hands
I’ve got none of those issues this phone is rather impressive And it’s only my second Android device I came from an apple so Def not an android fan boy people just seek issues to mask the truth that the phone really is as good as it gets one problem I find with it is it’s battery life but be reasonable the Size screen memory and processor would you really expect the length of a Nokia 3310
My version of sprint has no problems at all
bitch please
Fucking dum ass…..burn ur hands really…. little T-mobile phone has no problem.
One minute intro, switching phone ON three times… learn to speak shorter, bitch!
S3 u mean?
This video’s stupid… learn the phone before u say shit about it… -.-
I haven’t had ANY problems so far with my galaxy s4… got it when it first came out.
I havent had any issues with my s4,dont know where urs came from
huh?! I don’t have ANY of those issues with my s4! in fact, its the ONLY phone ive ever used that doesn’t even get the slightest bit warm even after watching entire movies on Netflix then going straight to YouTube to watch videos.
oh yea thanks
Glad i have a Note 2. Note 2 is a powerhouse.
Haha what a fool ,
Heating Problem is common with all Samsung Galaxy S Line except Galaxy S since it uses a hummingbird chipset…Otherwise its almost Hot…
None of these problems exist on my Galaxy S4…. Maybe I got lucky with my white model.
No such problems with my s4, I play real racing 3 for 3.5 hours straight and eventually gets warm. Not half as hot as my s2 use to get.
Dude I had prob that my s4 reboots by it self sometimes wat to do
My s3 lag even after factory reset
You obviously have a faulty s4 as non of them probably exist on mine its a beautiful phone my only gripe is that it feels a bit cheap but more than makes up for that in performance
The only problem I’m having with the phone is lag. It’s a powerful phone. There should be no lag.
U are stupid this is a fake s4 the original s4 has a logo at the back saying galaxy s4 also the flash is very yellow at the original s4 isn’t
you have a fake samsung galaxy s4, btw stop bitching u british krumpet
mines fine so get your shit fixed
shut the fuck up, fucking faggot!!!
I didn’t connect my earphones to my s4.. but it says earphones connected.. and it is really annoying!!
These go to eleven…
the best part about the spinal tap reference was your accent in the moment.
the camera problem is the most annoying to me it restarts before or after the app is launched, its a exynos gs4,i had heat issues but not so serious,,,,
exactly….!! this guy clearly has a defective product!! what a tool!!
272 apple dick suckers disliked this haha yall paid as much for your iphone 5 asi paid for my s4 and my s4 shits on the 5…apple fans live by one motto “watch when the 5s comes” lol
buy iphone. or nexus
ermm so… how much HTC is paying you?
My phone has no apps and it doesn’t run ANYTHING as good as a 4S LMFAO AHAHAHAHA
Lol wow! I don’t have any of these problems with my gs4 an if I’m correct the galaxy s4 is still beating them!
ikr! i hate it when people don’t buy a samsung phone because it’s plastic! Samsung phones always make up for it with features and speed… but some of the problems he is saying are happening! but iv’e never seen an s4 overheat tho!
lolz!! True. . True. .
yes. that was a ipad3 in the parcel which i got from Apple-YT questionnaire content last week. and i can tell u , make sure you tell the address and email properly to send the giftbox. i got it from here. you can also try it =>
FULL OF COMMENTS…no actual presentation of negative aspects of S4.
“2 months on the work bench” LOL stupidest and the randomest thing I’ve heard so far lolol
Alsop show us the split, please show instead of talking on and on about nothing lol. I haven’t had any of these problems yet hmmm. weird.
They’ve determined that there is a fault (referring to the headphone jack). Ok, and? What is the fault? Obviously they had an oscilloscope on it, can we have a little more info?
Are you kidding me? Samsung isn’t going to put out a “warning” that there’s a couple issues with their products. Because that would hurt a small percentage of their sales. I mean after all, $2.5 million is sales isn’t shit compared to $2.6 million in sales. Therefor they will never admit issues prior to release or during release while the craze is still there. The same reason Apple refuses to admit that there is an issue with their Bluetooth.
hey, samsung fixed the heating problem or not ??
Actually i am thinking of going with S4. will u suggest me this phone or i should go someother phone
mine having problem with lagging
Hahaha s4 true shocking problems has been exposed no wonder iPhone is outselling them!
And that my friend is very baaad news. Much MUCH i mean MUCH 10x more powerfull than iPhone 5 and still lagging.. Imagine iPhone 5 was as much powerfull than S4! No wonder iPhone is outselling S4
Then you my friend are extremely lucky S4 owner! Wait at least 1 year then we talk again since S4 is still new and this is shocking news… Current happy non faulty iPhone 4S user…
I must be very lucky then no lagging and no problems with my S4
Then you my friend are extremely lucky wait at least 1 year then we will talk again! coming from proud non faulty iphone 4S. No wonder you Samsung users are angry and worried because iphone users are also reading this and would laugh at you thinking you guys must be a joke thinking S4 is far better than iPhone 5! Well it is not…
Then admit it you are LUCKY!!!
Then admit it that you are LUCKY!!!
Then admit it that you are LUCKY!!! What a useless comments
That is very bad my friend i dropped my iPhone MANY times and even ice cream accident flow in my iphone so far NO PROBLEMS!
Then admit it that you are LUCKY!!! What a useless comments
Yes I feel that too no wonder iPhone trash Samsung because samsung want to “beat” them
i rather put trust in Apple than Samsung. They are piece of shit brand. Its not only the phone they tv, lcd tv all already have broken for no reason! I buy lg instead
Maybe I am,but who cares I still love my s4 and if it does happen to give me problems I would just buy a new one.I agree that iphone is good quality but its too limited for me.I will stick with samsung for a loooooooong time my friend.I wont buy iphone anyway
Galaxy S4 – I’m having a issue with recent youtube update on this phone, which shows “search menu” in half on the top of screen most times. Has anybody experienced this issue.
So funny you say that because I purchased LG’s top of the line HDTV (LG INFINIA 55LE8500) a couple years ago – and it was literally the worst TV I ever purchased… it had ripples all in it – which was a known issue because of the type of backlighting it had.
Returned it and bought Samsung’s top 3D HDTV – GORGEOUS! I’ve never had any issues with it – the picture quality is almost too good.
Glad I’ve kept the S3
I have camera issues…the camera is not working…and the band problem is true…but the mobile doesn’t get so hot..the heating issue and is not a big deal…but I still love this phone even with these issues
5:26 YOU’RE
GS4 = Garbage
Their is nothing wrong with the s4. Is you that is being a bitch…
Thats why im waiting for motorola x phone!
The title should be “Problems and Failures with my Galaxy S4″. As an owner of GS4 I just can’t really relate with what you are saying. All I got is a good working phone without issues. You are just one of those unlucky persons who acquired a defective unit same as those unlucky persons who acquired a defective Xperia Z, HTC one, iPhone 5 etc. They are all over the internet too but I hope users will learn to stop generalizing an issue.
Guys, just simply search on youtube these. 1. HTC one problem 2. Xperia Z problem 3. iphone 5 problem. I dare you to prove that only galaxy s4 has problems specially your heating issue.
I got mine a week ago no problem at all maybe you bought immitation
It’s a defective product. Stop generalizing
my GS4 got no problems …thumbs up for s4
Its suck i m using s4 worst handset ever
The heaphone issue is real and really annoying.
I watched this thinking my phone had a problem I didn’t know it had, but as usual this was bollox. This is an issue with YOUR particular phone, not every s4 as the title suggests.
Every phone maker will have a device that produces defective products, not just Samsung. IPhone 4 with signal issues holding it the wrong way? IPhone 5 with maps that didn’t work properly? HTC one with static noise, proximity sensors faulty, dead pixels? All devices aren’t perfect out the box, stop generalising please
it’s hise phone bein a bitch lol cx
This guy’s a fuckin zeek. What about when apple iPhone 5 came out and they’re were thousands of damaged and defective devices being released. I haven’t had any problems with my s4. Every phone company has defective devices when they first come out. U think they really give a shit?
Only time it gets warm is when it’s charging. Which is like all phones. Try using a blackberry q10 and tell me what u think of this phone after. I went through 4 of em. All garbage. This phones unreal. Simple. The fastest phone I’ve ever used.
Maybe Samsung should work on quality control then. Its not “beautiful” lets be real here.. HTC One,Lumia or iPhones are beautiful phones. He is right Samsung put the snapdragon S4 to the maximum clock rate and several mm above that is a 1080p display with a huge battery I have used one playing Real racing 3 the temp reached 122 degrees Fahrenheit then the S4 began to throttle itself in order to cool down.. I think its one of the best android phones out there still but it does feel a bit rushed.
It’s my opinion and I know the s4 is rocking and I’ve had NO problems I agree overheating is an issue but not a problem
My s4 is randomly restarting by its self, watching a video on YouTube the video pauses on its own, I think its cause It lost my face? The keyboard is a bit buggy and I bought a device to connect to my tv that allows me to mirror my phone to the tv, specifically made for Samsung phones and it freezes, wording is off and takes awhile to react
don’t lie u fag
I hate when people in stores try to drive you away from what you want. I go in there wanting to buy something then they say I shouldn’t buy it then I’m like “Well fuck you i’ll buy it somewhere else”.
im in 30 seconds and your pissing me off already. it doesnt matter who makes it?? well it should or are you fucking stupid? no morols dont care what the corporation does or how it goes about its business?? im english give me your address i will come and slap some fucking sense into your stupid head.
warning warning this follow english guy is high on smak he doesnt care if 20 billion people died making his fking phone aslong as it is cutting edge..
OMG this guy is a MORON. You are entitled to your opinion but I know hundreds of people with an S4 and they have NONE of these issues. Your opinion is weak, just because you are basing on your experience from ONE phone.
Yeah you personally know hundreds of people with GS4… Sure lol. I have several (real) friends with GS4 and they have most of the problems listed here.
I can confirm,that a lot of people have those issues,especially with the headphone jack.
@hjtpiif yeah i totally agree! BTW! if your getting bored of this then check out this online game =>
I bet appleboy make this video:) I’m kidding I’m apple boy too and just bought s4 2 days ago I’m having problem aswell
Problematic phone.
samsung are inconsistent with their products, if their products are consistent, there wouldn’t be a chance a person would get a bad phone and ones get a good phone. Good company have good and consistent products
i agree, it has been rushed
the head phone issues and the heating issues is caused by the processor , you should by a samsung galaxy whit an ocra-core processor , it’s smothly better then you will notice that there is no issues like this on it …
HTC One is the best !
gosh, u live’n a free country( supose), nobody push u to buy it, isn’t it?
u don’t want it, return it !
my iphone overheats often as well
funny like if you know who i really am ….
if that make u happy and feel important, ok!
I just can’t stand Samsung. They bring android a bad name. Build quality is crap. I love my nexus 4, no problems and smooth as.
You can’t POSSIBLY know personally hundreds of people ALL HAVING the GS4, and talked with each one of them about the issues of their phones. And I really don’t care who you are, obviously some gamer.
This video doesnt even mention the huge Sudden Death problem affecting all GS3,Note 2 and GS4 units. Fawlty chips that slowly degrade and die at unpredictable times, but Samsung continues to use them. Research the forums before you buy!
My Galaxy S4 rocks !!!!
LOL!!! about 72 ppl yes i do. Good now continue with your meaningless life
U probly dont know how to use it cause mines perfect
Mines fine never had any problems. galaxy s4 is one of the best phones I have ever had. And there was a software update a few days ago anyway so that should fix your little problem
I agree only with that it gets too damn hot
every phone overheats at some samsung galaxy s4 gets hotter than my oven
i have none of these problems.
overheating maybe but i clockd the cpu down.(rooted) and a bit undervolt -20mv.
HTC one is the same but less noticeable cuz its an alluminum back.
this guy obviously hates samsung and is an apple lover! go suck an apple!
In Closing…. PULL YOU SKIRT DOWN….you sound like a guy how sits down to take a piss
Where do I Begin:
Lets start with you cutting your finger cause of your indentation!!!
-Are You Serious.. In your defense, I can tell by your wussy accent,…you probably do get cut easily…(Man Up)
Its a Phone….Updates fix most of the problems for the wifi.. so that shouldn’t be mention.
As for the Device getting to hot that it actually “Burns Your Hands”…Bring me back to the first answer…Stop being a isn’t that hot!!!
Is this GT-I9500 or I9505?
I don’t have overheating problems on my S4.
Uhmmm… I don’t hear that much people having problem with this device….maybe it’s just the international version having these problems….
so many fanboys here…
You are so manly here……on the internet.
so you think i should wait for the newer the new S4 ?
get the s4 and make sure you update the software, then reset factory settings and the phone will be perfect.
Yours is perfect… FOR NOW (; haha
like apple. All good phones
never had that kind of problems
what about the heaphone problem does it get fixed with the update ?
Lmao ok i wont listen to it at exactly 11..
i feel as if you are just picking at the phone. i have an s4 and its perfect. lots of phones will have its flaws if you look close enough like you did. just get over it. live your life bro… plus you sound kinda old… you shouldnt be playing games for 20 min…. just sayin
you have a great language literature and i respect that
I have no problems whatsoever .
David Mitchell? Is that you? Get back to filming Peep Show, or whatever you’re doing now.
no wonder why your name is Jhon Doe, just sayin.
I do understand your point there, but to be honest, my S4 has only problems with over heating. I use a case, so it won’t be that hot for me to play games and watch video’s. I really like this sp and I agree with your point about Samsung rushing.
actulaly that s4 thing is only a rush in market
Rushed like Windows Vista.
Does the device get hot ONLY when playing games after a while, or just when using the phone (internet, videos, etc…)? Please answer, thanks!
There have been a few problems with the HTC one. The main one overheard about it the “death grip” where if you hold the phone a certain way it looses its signal. Definitely look into that its all over youtube
it does get warm from browsing, but we should know that it jsut came out. Samsung released an update in india and asia to fix battery problem and stability fixes
. i was upset some issues were on the s4 but i realized there are some issues samsung is going to fixI have both the HTC one and the Galaxy s 4 and I must say that the HTC gets alot hotter then the galaxy. From just running a navigation program, while charging in 25 degrees day (with the original car kit) the HTC stops charging cause of overheating. I dont have that problem with the sgs4. Overall the sgs4 is the slightly better phone compared to the HTC in my oppinion. Lovely sound and design, but too many other small annoying things about the HTC, makes me favor the Galaxy.
they said almost the same thing when iphone 5 was released!
iv heard mixed reviews some of my frnds complained abt the battery problem n some said it works fine for them this is sO confusing
The home button on my phone is kinda crackling and doesn’t feel solid ><“
They always runs to come out quickly with a new model on the market…. That’s Samsung, iPhone, and others… They want only to sell, no real advance at all. Love to have a nexus 4
No major problems with s4. But I agree that the plastic case although easy to remove but easy to flex & break
I have a problem charging my s4, wall and laptop works find but a usb on the tv or in the car wont charge. Tryed a portable battery charger wont charge ether, and this was using the cable that came with it. The place I got if from said it will only change with 2.0mah or higher but that stupid, 2.0mah will just make the charging time faster. Everything works fine with my gs2 but when I plug the s4 problems…. I totally agree this product was rushed.
guess I must have been one of the lucky ones. My S4 works perfectly. I have had nothing but problems with HTC phones getting stuck in loading loops and having to constantly remove and replace the battery, etc.
guess I must have been one of the lucky ones. My S4 works perfectly. I have had nothing but problems with HTC phones getting stuck in loading loops and having to constantly remove and replace the battery, etc.
Do you think they can correct that problem with the head phones issues? I only get that when I connect it to the Aux in my car.
Would it still have an audio problem with wireless headphones
I have non of these problems with my s4
Your over reacting about tiny problems that has nobody has but u
U mad bro?
I agree with this review. Just got the S4. Some pixels went a funny colour, a small permanent blip that is hard to ignore on video playback. The main problem is the over heating. It gets too hot to hold against the ear. I’m so disappointed. The S3 is a classic.
freakin’ fanboy, i dont have phone jack problems, or “heating after 20 minutes”,maybe you are the only one with that problem
take that htc and stick it up into your ass,fanboy
did you even read the title? I bet he’d find a few issues on the HTC as well.
i trust him, hes british
Give three months it will get worse
can i get my virus in purple
I all of a sudden want to use the word Androidizen. It sounds so cool!!!!