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Posted by on Feb 27, 2013 in 3D Games, Android Game Reviews, Racing, Reviews | 5 comments

Flashout Android Review – Wipeout the competition

Flashout Android Review on the Galaxy Note 2 need a Wipeout fix then Flashout has got you covered. This fast paced action racer draws on what makes Wipeout work so well and brings it to the Android platform. Easily the best action racer I##Q##ve played on a mobile device so far.


  1. I just got this a couple of days ago. Absolutely beautiful, but the lack of support for a USB joypad spoils it hugely for me, as I just can’t get on with tilt or touch screen controls.

  2. any good?

  3. reminds me of wipeout & a older nes game F-Zero

  4. I thought this turned out to be fantastic. I like it a LOT better than that Peroxide game or whatever its called that just came out. There are alternative controls that work really well. But, you seem to prefer tilt controls in these sorts of games.

  5. I use a Note 2 and an Asus Transformer Infinity. I downloaded Flashout on my Infinity and it seems to run great at the highest graphics level. I haven’t yet tried it on my Note. Either way, great game.

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