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Posted by on Jan 5, 2013 in Android Apps

Nova Launcher 2 Samsung Galaxy Note 2

repost bttn suprsd

Nova Launcher 2 Here is a look at my Clean minimalist Samsung Galaxy Note 2 or S3 home screen as you can see it##Q##s a blank slate with swipes to reveal the key parts of the Galaxy Note 2 interface.

I used Nova Launcher 2 to remove all the clutter and add swipe gesture to reveal things as and when I want them.

Take control with Nova Launcher

With Nova Launcher you can take full control of the look and feel of your Android device, it##Q##s so cool having gestures to control bits of the screen UI.

The ability to scale screen icons really helps to fit all your stuff on one home screen if you want to.


  1. Great video mate!

  2. where did you get your wallpaper?, you have to put the link of the wallpaper please it is awesome

  3. Its from Omega Rom

  4. Thanks

  5. thanks alot

  6. I don’t know if you answered this already but where did you get that wallpaper?

  7. Never mind sorry I see you have answered.
    Awesome setup though lol

  8. where did u get it ?

  9. Is this even available in the Play Store? I can’t seem to find it :/

  10. Search for Nova they updated the app to version 2

  11. thanks

  12. how did you hide the bottom bar?

    • I would like to know this too. I would love a how to video.

  13. how do you set the DPI setting? do you have to have your device rooted?

  14. Yes you need root

  15. feature in nova

  16. where did you find that screen ?? that looks fantastic

  17. Its from Omega Rom

  18. Is there this rom for at&t note2. (Sgh-i317)..?. If so. Can you drop me the link. Thanks

  19. can you make a tutorial on how to make our note 2 look mealy like yours? That would really help!

  20. Is there a root for note 2 n7105? Pls help

  21. Go Launcher still the best.

  22. I prefer TSF

  23. try QBking77 youtube channel, or for all your rooting needs for the Note 2. and go to xda-developers website for a rom to used once rooted.

  24. one dislike, must be the ceo of apple.

  25. I can’t hide my notifications bar at the top without losing the wallpaper all together (just goes black). Any idea?

  26. Works it without root?

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