Top 5 Games Samsung Galaxy Note 2 Android owners must play
Here are our Top 5 Games Samsung Galaxy Note 2 users need to play, put simply if you want to wow your friends these are the games you need to be showing off. They make the best use of the Galaxy Note 2##Q##s Hardware from screen size to sheer horsepower of the CPU and GPU in the device.
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Top 5 Games Samsung Galaxy Note 2 must own
- Zombiewood – Hunt Zombies in a film set and as you complete each stage move onto more and more zombie madness.
- Shadowgun: Deadzone – Multiplayer and console quality graphics make this a Top 5 Games Samsung Galaxy Note 2 owners must download.
- Fifa 12 – Football has never been this portable and playable.
- Death Dome – Finger slashing fun and graphics with scale to boot
- Need for Speed: Most Wanted – Simply the bst racing game on mobile today number 1 in Top 5 Games Samsung Galaxy Note 2 users must play.
is this ti promote the galaxy or android ? I could buy Motorola atrix HD play same games.
not in the old milestone to slowwww.but than you have tunein radio
Now I can’t wait until I will get mine in about 3 weeks
Which color is better?
design for only 16g phone memory but in memory card slot its maximum is 64g..
Cant get these in america stupid americana
are death dome & shadowgun: dead zone online ??
1:15 football??? lol
1:23 Galaxy s3, dont you mean note 2?
Were not all american like you.
I love the Galaxy phone series! I have had a Galaxy S Captivate and currently have the S II…..holding off to get this Note II for Christmas! Even on my S II, Death Dome and Need For Speed Most Wanted are great
ye they are
I own both devices sometime slip up with which one im using, they look the same
Deadzone is but death dome isnt
I like the white
i love the white too!
that’s what it’s called.
Should I Get White 32 gb or Titanium 16 hb
you can put SD card up to 64gb
put any card you want but u can not move data from android mkt to sd card or any games u download to sd card it all goes to phone memory !! sucks
I have the grey one. Stays clean. Good info though
1:25 you said s3 learn your facts the video is based on note 2 your playing on a note 2 dumbass
their all guy games
Using Script Manager, you can run a script (App2SD) at boot up that swaps directories of SD card and phone. Works great! My phone has 64 GB it can use for apps…
yes , titanium grey mine favourite too
I got the need for speed game after seeing this and its awesome .
Samsung Galaxy S3 :l
Samsung galaxy note 2 is amazing..I don’t have it …but I can play the most of the games on my Xperia neo V
white is nice, especially 4 us ladies, but it gets dirty easily…
i have d same color, stays clean & scratches r not so visible as well i think…
“Is easily the best game” lmfao damn stop repeating yourself
This is EASILY one of the top videos in youtube that keeps repeating the word EASILY.
Easily the best. How can all be the best lol. And while playing fifa 12 he said s3 instead of note 2.
S4 wait?
are they easily free????? hahaha
what about GTA Vice City? hands down my number 1 game for my Note II
Snoop Dog talk in this video?
how come i get a black screen on my note 2 whenever i play shadowgun deadzone
thee thing is i dont wanna show off i just wanna play a game thats fun !!
if you have the both can you send me one
Watching this through my Titanium Grey Samsung SIII :’)
Easily/easily/easily…!!!really?? Try E.Warriors 2. Dungeon hunter 4. “Easily the best”:))
Honestly I think gaming like this on a phone any less than like 5.0 inches is annoying. The analog sticks take up so much of the screen…Its gotta be Galaxy Note 2 (or 3) for me!
this guy is so eeeeasilyy manipulating me to download each game ….
eeeeasliyyyyy mahn!!!! l love you!!! >_< .nohomo.
I’m getting the galaxy note 2 in less than a week
Fifa 2012 for galaxy note 2