NFC Beer Mat – Near Field Communication product innovation
Check out this awesome NFC Beer Mat one of the latest Near Field Communication product innovation to be released.
NFC allows your device like a Smartphone or Tablet to read information just by being near another object.
In this case a Beer mat has had an NFC chip embedded into it, allowing a web address or other information to be stored and retrieved.
I expect this to be really popular over the coming year as a new way to reach consumers while they are having their favorite tipple.
NFC opens up new avenues for merchants, advertisers and consumers to connect with the world around them and each other.
Beer Mats are just one example of a range of new Near Field Communication products that are hitting the market over the next few months.
RapidNFC offers some of the newest innovations at a reasonable price.
A few NFC Beer Mat ideas
For Landlords you could put your latest promotions on a NFC Beer Mat or hide a prize in one NFC Beer Mat somewhere in the pub or let visitors Like and check in on your social network page.
If your in Marketing or advertising how about anĀ NFC Beer Mat Advert that invites scanners to watch your latest beer commercial or discount promotion direct from you and supported by the landlord.
I##Q##m currently checking out some other NFC innovations (Wikipedia) and will have follow up videos shortly that will make your inner geek happy.
What I really love about all this NFC Beer Mat talk is how it shows the industry adapting to move NFC into the consumer market, sticker tags are great but it##Q##s not until regular consumer objects become NFC enabled that people will really understand what NFC can do for their lives.
NFC Beer Mat, who doesn##Q##t understand that as a concept?