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Posted by on Nov 17, 2012 in News | 0 comments

Android update for Twitter fans

If you##Q##re a Twitter fan, and let##Q##s face it, most of us share the most mundane aspects of our lives with thousands of strangers a day, then you##Q##ll be pleased with the new Android update for Twitter fans, with an app improving the discovery and search functions.

Twitterers can now preview post summaries and photos without having to access the whole thing. You##Q##ll also be able to email tweets, even if the person you##Q##re emailing doesn##Q##t use Twitter.

You can now also see tweets in discover with links to news and photos. In the past you could only see the story previews which were not interactive.

Twitter has completely redone the backend and user interface in this upgrade and Twitter cards allow you to attach media to tweets that link to content.

Instead of getting short urls you##Q##ll be able to get previews with headlines and photos so it should bring content up faster, with fewer mouse clicks. If you email someone a tweet then it will keep any photos that were attached to the post.

This feature is rolling out now and you can get it through the ##Q##More##Q## link which you##Q##ll find on the right hand side of any tweet.

As far as the search option goes, photo and video results will be at the top of search results, with better ranking information, showing users who have favourited or retweeted it.

How to get the Android update for Twitter fans

Twitter has done deals with the New York Times and Wall Street Journal to show images, headlines and a small amount of text which links to their stories in user feeds. It##Q##s a welcome upgrade and we wonder if we##Q##ll see newspapers in the UK tagging along with this development, perhaps some of the local newspaper groups like Newsquest, Johnston Press and Trinity Mirror will think it worth investigating further.

You can get the updated Android app from the Android app store.

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