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  1. Thanks man great Vid! Any info on an official update for the S3 to JB?

  2. I think you might have power saving enabled or apps in background thats why your frames are low

  3. nope fresh rom install no apps running in background and powersave is off, very odd

  4. August 29th is the expected launch date for JB

  5. Is there a difference between that date and the date it is available for an update? If yes does it vary by carrier in the US? Thanks!!

  6. Carrier dependent they will roll it out when they are happy, though Samsung will make code available from the 29th and OTA updates to any network that allows them to.

  7. Thanks!!

  8. Remember that cracked games are not optimized versions for the phone, meaning that buying it you can be sure to get the right one…
    I don’t think you are a pirate but I can tell you, between cracked nova 3 and market nova 3 there is a huge difference with the first being very choppy

  9. No legit from Gameloft club paid 2.50 for any 3 games each month thought i buy them all anyway will save me cash :-) ill wipe and get a new rom

  10. just a small doubt… the frame rate will be 60fps constantly after JB update?????????

  11. not likely

  12. The graphics when I play the Asphalt on my Galaxy note 10 suck why?

  13. The game sucks on any device ive tried it on, terrible FPS try NFS: Most Wanted instead works much better

  14. you can edit deviceconfig.ini in the games instalation folder to max out the graphics man, also it improves the fps by ding so…or its your device which cant handle the game, cuz on y transformer tf300 fps is 30+ with all effects enables …actually im using the new ipad config file.

  15. In the google play store it says that this 1.46 GB!! Is it really that big?

  16. yeah.

  17. For the iphone is 1.16gb

  18. It is a shame that so many games are bad optimized for many android devices. That could be a deal breaker for people. I certainly brought it to consideration when I decided to buy an iPhone 5.


  20. Who the fuck cares about the frame rate.???

  21. @Georgiou Ordered * Wanted

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