with the new HTC Sense 4.1 update… the One X smoked the S3 back!! how about that?? and with android Jelly bean in the pipeline, it will smoke the S3 once again in the future and possibly the upcoming iPhone 5!!
@rajTrondhjem10 No one gives a shit….this is a galaxy S3 benchmark…not one x. Whats with all the one x fanboys looking at S3 benchmarks on YouTube. jealous much? ahaha
my s3 just score at average 3500, try to test it again and again, restarting my phone, remove all running apps.. but the score still at 3500.. anyone know y?
** my device info – CPU : ARMv7 Processor rev 0 (v7I), current/max/min freq : 1000/1400/200MHz, Cores: 4, architecture: 7, Memory: 797648
That’s twice as much as my Samsung skyrocket
Correction my skyrocket scored 3321 so a little less than half
getting this phone for verizon, lol my lg ally only got 526 at the most hahahahahaha
I got 5542 on my s3
Nice video. Apparently if you root this and overclock it you can get 7000+ !
wow I get 5k-5100 with my dual core s3.. glad I have that instead
hey,don”t be sad
i had also an dual core s3(tmobile)
but i overclocked it to 1.7ghz got a score b/w 6200 and 6800
I got 5697 On my S3….That’s still lower than me
I get 5070 on my U.S version SGS3
Hmm… My one x scored 6080 out of the box, so I don’t see the smoke part. If you like the S3 just buy one, but that does not mean it is the best
with the new HTC Sense 4.1 update… the One X smoked the S3 back!! how about that??
with the new HTC Sense 4.1 update… the One X smoked the S3 back!! how about that?? and with android Jelly bean in the pipeline, it will smoke the S3 once again in the future and possibly the upcoming iPhone 5!!
6670 with Galaxy S3 GTi9300T
@Juggernaut2009er Nice score are you running any custom roms, Kernals? Have you overclocked because on my S3 im averaging 6,000
@rajTrondhjem10 No one gives a shit….this is a galaxy S3 benchmark…not one x. Whats with all the one x fanboys looking at S3 benchmarks on YouTube. jealous much? ahaha
Pulling 4520 on my GS2 T-989 troll
my evo 4g lte gets 5698 consistently. so the s3,is defibetly not the fastest phone. id post
WIth 4.0.4 update my HTC one X scores 6125 without any OC.
I got 5952 with my One S without OC. HTC products flies!
My S3 is clocking a sweet 6250-6472 anything between that. Im running TouchWIZ jb leak for sprint. On ICS 4.0.4 was getting 4800-5020 never over that.
My HTC one x got 6099 beat that
i got 5641 on my s3
my sgs III 7000 with jb 4.1.1 kernel siyah last version
my s3 just score at average 3500, try to test it again and again, restarting my phone, remove all running apps.. but the score still at 3500.. anyone know y?
** my device info – CPU : ARMv7 Processor rev 0 (v7I), current/max/min freq : 1000/1400/200MHz, Cores: 4, architecture: 7, Memory: 797648
Dual core galaxy nexus @ 1.8 GHZ OC Score 3800
My s3 , 7000
Nice I got 1 x
my arc s gave me 1325
My S3 scored a fucking amazing 6900, now beat that!
Lies lies he rooted it I know u cab read ppls mined
I ment lies lies I can tell he rooted it cuz I can read ppls mined
my lg optimus g often scores over 7000, beat that
my s3 overvolt,oc 2.3ghz. prolimatech thermal paste, did 7346. how about that! lol
5876 galaxy s3
My dual core GS3 came in at 6125. OCed at 1988MHz.
Ran again with the min raised, and scored 6777.
just disable Power Saving Mode and ya will be good.